This profile is for those who have reached 11999/12000 honored reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers and wish to get to exalted.
Before you use this I only ask one thing, If someone is already there farming PLEASE leave them in peace and return later as you are a botter and you can do this whenever, but there are real players out there farming this rep and I personally beleive they should receive the right of way. (Yes that is just my opinion.)
Profile Info:
This profile will gain you nothing except having another exalted reputation.
Start this profile beside Jazzrik in the Badlands (
There are no Ghost waypoints as I did not die during the entirety of my farm.
Jazzrik is on a 5minute 45second - 7minute 45 second respawn timer so you will see your bot standing around for long periods of time.
If someone asks what you are doing it is perfectly reasonable to ignore them, and if you do reply say that you are farming rep while doing something else and tabbing back to wow every 5 mins to check.
If you notice Jazzrik alive and HB not targeting him, I suggest restarting you computer as I encountered this problem often and a restart always solved it.
This is an extremely long grind, if you were to do it in one go it would take:
4,200 x 7 = 29,400 minutes
29,400 / 60 = 490 hours
490 / 24 = 20.4166 days
Bloodsail Reputation info:
For those of you interested, the only feasible way to gain rep through revered is to farm a single mob, Jazzrik (
He rewards 5 reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers all the way to 20999/21000 revered,
at which point you will need to either complete one of the two "Avast ye" quests (, or kill High Admiral "Shelly" Jorrik ( for 5 reputation to push you through to exalted.
To get to 11999/12000 honored reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers, the quickest way is to wage a war on Booty Bay. Booty Bay Bruisers ( reward 25 reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers, and as you become hated with Booty Bay the begin to spawn faster, thus increasing you killing rate.
For more information on Bloodsail Buccaneers and also on being an enemy of the Steamwheedle Cartel I suggest you use Wowwiki. (
Before you use this I only ask one thing, If someone is already there farming PLEASE leave them in peace and return later as you are a botter and you can do this whenever, but there are real players out there farming this rep and I personally beleive they should receive the right of way. (Yes that is just my opinion.)
Profile Info:
This profile will gain you nothing except having another exalted reputation.
Start this profile beside Jazzrik in the Badlands (
There are no Ghost waypoints as I did not die during the entirety of my farm.
Jazzrik is on a 5minute 45second - 7minute 45 second respawn timer so you will see your bot standing around for long periods of time.
If someone asks what you are doing it is perfectly reasonable to ignore them, and if you do reply say that you are farming rep while doing something else and tabbing back to wow every 5 mins to check.
If you notice Jazzrik alive and HB not targeting him, I suggest restarting you computer as I encountered this problem often and a restart always solved it.
This is an extremely long grind, if you were to do it in one go it would take:
4,200 x 7 = 29,400 minutes
29,400 / 60 = 490 hours
490 / 24 = 20.4166 days
Bloodsail Reputation info:
For those of you interested, the only feasible way to gain rep through revered is to farm a single mob, Jazzrik (
He rewards 5 reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers all the way to 20999/21000 revered,
at which point you will need to either complete one of the two "Avast ye" quests (, or kill High Admiral "Shelly" Jorrik ( for 5 reputation to push you through to exalted.
To get to 11999/12000 honored reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers, the quickest way is to wage a war on Booty Bay. Booty Bay Bruisers ( reward 25 reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers, and as you become hated with Booty Bay the begin to spawn faster, thus increasing you killing rate.
For more information on Bloodsail Buccaneers and also on being an enemy of the Steamwheedle Cartel I suggest you use Wowwiki. (