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Blizzard's new detection method..


New Member
Feb 13, 2013
are player reports, still and always has been!

Now here is something new, I noticed since patch 5.1:

  • -A couple of quests are bugged and pretty much a bot grave (more on that later)
  • - BGbuddy is unusable at the moment, it's just way to obvious you are botting = report
  • - Gathering "should" be fine, but you if you didnt set up the bot well it will be easy for any other person familiar with HB to detect you as a bot
  • (- GMs porting players, to see if they really are bots (Only if you got reported before!))

And since Blizzard takes reports way more serious than a year ago, that's where all the bans come from.
Now let me give you an example:

The Quest Gather the Intelligence is bugged at the moment (Blizzard Thread):
The crate you are supposed to loot is empty. Now since this quest is in Kickz profile A LOT (!!) of bots are running from the crate to a hotspot and back again

So a couple of days back I monitor my new Gatherdruid leveling 80-82 in Hyjal, bugging at that quest and got 4 whispers saying that these dudes (assholes tbh) reported me.
My account is now gone, as of today (bummer).

=>There are many places your bot can and many places your bot will stuck or bug!!
Now with a highly customized bot it's not that dangerous. But with a public profile (Like Kickz, or BGBuddy), you are VERY likely to get reported)

There are people saying: "HEY I ONLY USED LAZYRAIDER", well yeah and you probably used some other part of the bot and got reported, sorry mate!


So what can we do about that?

  • Add a button: (BUGGED) to Honorbuddy, so as soon as you see this bug it get's sent to the devs immediately and possibly make that profile send out a warning before it hits that bugged spot (quest, WP, whatever)
  • Detect those control-teleports and let the player chat->hearth when they occur, or something like that

But those are just a couple of ideas I had on this, if you got an idea how to cope with this, feel free to share it!

So that's what I noticed lately and I think it's not really something absolutely new.
If they had a different method, I would like to believe there would be way more people on the BAN Forums these days.

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Why do you people Greetings at the end of your thread? Greetings means hello, but you are signing the thread off.

Please explain.
Good points I agree nothing is new with how people are being banned.. ignore the trollz to come
I was stuck at a spot a few days ago come to think of it but character was in '30s or '40s. I remember my guy getting stuck trying to kill a guard in white and red gear with a whisper calling me a botter, however I was a balance druid so the reasons seems kind of obvious and not a bugges quest.
I lvled yesterday a toon from 79-86 and fully AFK.

but I don't think blizzard doesn't work with those dirty trics
This thread deserves way more attention... And why the hell are you discussing how to say hello and goodbye?

I think they do these things too with the quests, I have experienced it with Kicks profiles too around level 20-25 in Duskwood i think. It couldn't loot the thing from the crate and there was actually 2 other bots at that same place trying to loot, so I just logged, but if a real player had seen that, sheez.

That BUGGED button might be a way to go, i dunno whether its possible to implement it or not, but the Devs might wanna look into something like that.

Something I have seen more often too, is the Accept button on a quest doesn't work. So I have to manually /reload ingame, and then it works. I dont know if this busts anyone or if the bot gets logged out after a while, but in case it does keep itself active and you are standing in the same place for several hours, that might flag you at the players questing in that same area.
I tend to use auto loot and it avoids some bugs tbh> go to interface on wow then tick autoloot on. I think they change item codes so that its harder to bot
I don't know if they're deliberately bugged or not, but I had a different quest in the 20s to loot an item that was always empty. I logged out and came back later to check again and there was an obvious bot sitting there trying again and again to loot the empty item also. It is unfortunately a little obvious, even if not a blizzard trap, it would be fairly obvious whats going on to someone else if they're in a reporting mood.
Well does it really matter :D?

It's a fact, that there are spots, where it's super easy to detect you as a bot when using "Questing".
And that there are issues with movement when gathering or issues with the meshes (Especially as tauren).

And somehow I feel like there is 0 information coming from the devs, it seems as if the bot is not in development anymore :S?
Bugged mobs should be covered by the Evade text and therefore should already be in the bot or... it is and it's not working.

The Teleport thing, if you could adjust the CTM then maybe... got an idea but have many.. but the resources it would take from the bot means it will never be put in.
Talking about Quest objectives, not mobs (empty loot boxes etc.),there are plenty of buggy quests at the moment.

And yes it's a problem on Blizzard's side, but if the bot can't handle those bugs, then it makes you look like a bot without a doubt:
Ever seen someone looting an empty crate 100 times for 1 hour? Didn't think so!

That got 2 of my accounts banned in the last 5 days and makes questing not afkable at all.
So I guess there needs to be a way to fix this.
Talking about Quest objectives, not mobs (empty loot boxes etc.),there are plenty of buggy quests at the moment.

And yes it's a problem on Blizzard's side, but if the bot can't handle those bugs, then it makes you look like a bot without a doubt:
Ever seen someone looting an empty crate 100 times for 1 hour? Didn't think so!

That got 2 of my accounts banned in the last 5 days and makes questing not afkable at all.
So I guess there needs to be a way to fix this.

you can fix most of the things with plugins. ^^
i ran into the issue "Gather the Intelligence"@hyjal >>> 72h suspension, fuck xrealm !!!

there was one toon standing behind mine and probably watching me.
i saw one other bot user, issueing the same problem x)