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Blizzard said they can detect the HB. (New 6/22) & two accounts banned


New Member
May 8, 2013
Hello everyone,

A friend in real life hates bots, always reports them, He doesn't know I bot :) Anyways he reported a player for belief of being an AH Bot, the email that he was given back stated that blizzard recently enhanced the detection for HB and are banning much faster now.

Obviously I didn't believe this until tonight.

A few days back I had lost my level 90 account, bummer. No big deals, bans happen.

Then today (payday) I bought a few $5 accounts from their promotion and all 3 of them banned my account before level 4.
I'm using different email/name and IP ADDRESSES.

I couldn't believe this, banned before level 4. I watched them the entire time ....of their 20 minutes of life, never stuck once. Maybe I should force my payment back from blizz :) fuckers.

Anyways, thought I'd share, can anyone else see if they are banning more frequently now, or if I'm just getting screwed/targeted?

I was thinking:

A. I'm unlucky.
B. Very unlucky
C. They actually have detection in place hence they crazy patches and HB's delay with their recent post
Status Update as of 09:54 UTC 13.06.2013
And what the email to my buddy said was true. They are detecting the honorbuddy bot.
D. Bans are being more frequently since the promotion?

It better for us to have some standard informations from you about suspension and bans
so use the form below in order to report a suspension or a ban

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? -Honorbuddy

2)If so, when was the last time?: Yes

3)What profile were you using?: Kicks undead levleing

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: DK / Warrior / Warlock

5)What plugins are you using?: none

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: about 20 minutes on 3 accounts

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 100%, just started the accounts

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: Zero

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? Only question with kicks profile

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? never

10)EU or US realm? US

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? New Promotion $5 account

Perm Ban
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It's because of the weekly sale, you always see a increase of bans on the weeks of sales (it's easy money for them) Also if you have SOR or RAF they tend to get watched more then paying for the game in full off sale. With the sale im sure they have GM's watching the starting areas for questing bots. Blizzard will never send a email admitting what they do to prevent bots, They will also not give details of how they enhance detection for any bot. (they make money off bots, they would not warn them what there up too.)

Thank you, I updated with the template.

I just read his email (we are room mates) it does in fact say that they have 'enhanced' their exploit detection. This isn't a standard format email from them, more of a conversation I guess?

Maybe the GM said this to make him feel better about it?

Dunno, -- believe it or not, but I highly suggest waiting a few weeks before botting again.
Thank you, I updated with the template.

I just read his email (we are room mates) it does in fact say that they have 'enhanced' their exploit detection. This isn't a standard format email from them, more of a conversation I guess?

Maybe the GM said this to make him feel better about it?

Dunno, -- believe it or not, but I highly suggest waiting a few weeks before botting again.
I would try and appeal the bans, if they get reduce it's because of player reports. If they say that they have proof then most likely a GM saw you doing the naughty (how i see it anyway)

They have sayd so since the game came out.

Honorbuddy isn't detectable you are tho anyone can find out if you're a bot by looking at your botlike patterns.

Also what kind of ''ip addresses'' do you use?

A *** or ***** that is public for thousand of users will get a autoban very likely and this may be what caused this.

And notice ''I don't suggest playing for a few weeks'' is being seen on this forum every few days for the past year+ so if everyone would listen to this then wow didn't have a bot problem.

Basically you either bot now or you bot another time but chances are they are only going to make their detection better and ur better off botting sooner then later.
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''ip addresses',
Sorry I'm using paid proxies -- not the highest bandwidth but not the most expensive as well

Maybe they are waiting in the start zones tonight, I mean, level 4.. really? i wasn't reported by a player and checked on that quickly.

I'm thinking Q2 (quarter 2) is ending soon, they want to get their numbers up. Why not do a promo before the end of Q2, have a bunch of botters grab accounts and ban them quickly. Still shows as a new player I'm sure.

More money, better Q2 numbers.
''ip addresses',
Sorry I'm using paid proxies -- not the highest bandwidth but not the most expensive as well

Maybe they are waiting in the start zones tonight, I mean, level 4.. really? i wasn't reported by a player and checked on that quickly.

I'm thinking Q2 (quarter 2) is ending soon, they want to get their numbers up. Why not do a promo before the end of Q2, have a bunch of botters grab accounts and ban them quickly. Still shows as a new player I'm sure.

More money, better Q2 numbers.

First of all proxies is something I don't recommend to use secondly paid proxies can be autobanned by blizzard and I believe they do ''payd'' doesn't mean they are safe anyone can pay 5 to 50 dollars for a proxie or even more.

The 5 mins or something could mean the proxie triggered a autoban which is what I think happened.
What do you suggest besides a proxie? ? I don't want my home IP. the correct spelling for proxie is in *****? is it a bad word?
if they could detected honorbuddy we would be all banned if we where using it if they could detected and im stil fine afther 9 months of questbotting. on a few accounts:) most people that are active on auction house they wil get banned but its not that they detected honorbuddy they not know for sure if you using it or yes but since i stay away from gb and auction house im fine if you do questbotting arena botting with tyrael and pve raiding u dont have to worry at all:)
I had 5 accounts since May 1st, all bought from $5 Battlechest link from owned core. Botted them using kick's till lvl 15, raf dungeon leveled w/ combat bot and lazyboxer till 90 now on total of 15chars.

Never use GB / BGBuddy at all. Only used Kick's Leveling 1-15 / 85-90, Lazyboxer and Combat Bot.

No issues whatsoever.
What do you suggest besides a proxie? ? I don't want my home IP. the correct spelling for proxie is in *****? is it a bad word?

Ask your provider for a dynamic IP-address allocation.
If they tell you that isn't possible, re-initialise your router every once in a while, which may reset your provider's IP-allocation anyway.

Do not use a pr*xy or V-P-N .. Blizzard _will_ eventually ban you for that.
I just got off the phone with Chris Metzen. He told me that he and Blizzard have no issues with honorbuddy. That leads me to believe that all of these threads are just trolls.
Strange, I just got off the phone with Chris Metzen, he said he doesn't know you?

I'm trying to avoid being logged in from the same network as my current IP... but I do have a 4G hotspot with 5gb of data per month... maybe :)
I saw hawker mention it months ago, they track harddrive serial number, so using a v.p.n/pro.xy etc, will do you little good.

I challenge anyone to show me a ban as direct result of using a *** connection.
Thats like trying to ban the torrent protocol cause some people are using it in a malicious way...
Its a legit protocol lol...ipsec, hello ?!?!

So to conclude, even if you get a dynamic ip, they will track other things such as hdd serial, mac address etc, making your attempts to a new ip extremely pointless.
Ive had some accounts banned before reaching level 20 while using kicks questing profiles too. Im not saying they are not safe. Im only pointing out that it can happen to some other people too
If Blizzard could detect HB, then everyone that`s using it will make a topic on this forum.. that means the forums will be offline cause of the high load of traffic... And as long as i see 1-5 posts per day, it makes me wonder how you got to that conclusion!
i thoroughly believe it's the ***** you are using, because they do the literal exact same thing in runescape. banned in moments just because the IP is flagged as a botting ip.

if it were "detectable" then everybody or most people using honorbuddy would experience the same thing, banned moments after starting, or hours.
theres a packet in wow called 'EnableHornorbuddyDetection' which checks the "lua_load" function.
but i think hb already has a patch not to activate this packet - even if theres was nothing in patchlog of hb.

blizzard is hunting hb...fu blizzard ;)