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Mar 21, 2015
Just got hit with the Hammer at 16.12.15. That's it for me not coming back. This will not get updated.
Take it and do with it whatever you want :)

cheers, MoreCox

Blade of the Assassin​
A Rogue Combatroutine​

This is a Rogue Combat Routine with all 3 Speccs supported, but mostly optimized for Combat / Subtlety since Assassination lacks a bit of Damage in higher raid Tiers (this is as of HFC, if it should change in the near future I'm gonna optimize it too).
This Routine is only doing the Rotation for you, there is no movement, nor will it be supported in the Future.
It is best used in Conjunction with RaidBot, Enyo or HazzNyo, since Enyo isn't working anymore (atleast for me)
This is a pure PvE routine with no PvP logic at all. It will work, but don't expect anything other than PvE Rotation, no Stuns, no Cloak, nothing PvP wise.

Also there is no logic for Cloak/Evasion since I don't believe you want the Routine to use Cloak at 20% or something like that, rather use it when you need it
(Touch of Doom, when soaking a fel lord wave 'n stuff)

Cooldown usage is implemented and will Sync cooldowns for max DPS if you choose to let the routine handle cooldowns, but i strongly advise you to handle cooldowns yourself for maximum DPS!

right now you have to go with the given Talents to make this work, i might or might not add Support for all Talents but the one's i choose are the way to go anyway for the current content.

Combat :
15 : Shadow Focus
30 : nothing implemented, go with Combat Readiness for Defense ( you need to handle that yourself)
45 : Elusiveness is the best choice here for additional Defense during Feint, ***** Death if you are assigned to soak a Mythic Xhul Blackhole, Leeching Poison is supported but not recommended.
60 : Shadowstep should be the way to go on most Fights, Burst of Speed also has it's Place at some Encounter , neither of them get used by the routine itself so it's your choice.
75 : PvP talents, nothing needed in PvE
90 : Marked for Death , since Combat is the Cleave specc anyway, MfD really shines at add fights for huge amount of Bonus combo points, routine will not use it, you have to do that by yourself and decide which add dies the fastest!
100 : VenomRush is the way to go for Combat, since it's a AoE Specc and you do need the extra Energyregen

Subtlety :

15 : Subterfuge for more Find Weakness uptime
30 : nothing implemented, go with Combat Readiness for Defense ( you need to handle that yourself)
45 : Elusiveness is the best choice here for additional Defense during Feint, ***** Death if you are assigned to soak a Mythic Xhul Blackhole, Leeching Poison is supported but not recommended.
60 : Shadowstep should be the way to go on most Fights, Burst of Speed also has it's Place at some Encounter , neither of them get used by the routine itself so it's your choice.
75 : PvP talents, nothing needed in PvE
90 : Anticipation since the Routine only works with it and it's the superior choice for proper pooling (which the routine does)
100 : Shadow Reflection, VR is almost of no use since we do only play sub at single target fights, DfA is inferior DPS wise to Shadow Reflection since we can use SR every 2 minutes which lines up with our Shadow Dance

Assassination :
15 : Shadow Focus
30 : nothing implemented, go with Combat Readiness for Defense ( you need to handle that yourself)
45 : Elusiveness is the best choice here for additional Defense during Feint, ***** Death if you are assigned to soak a Mythic Xhul Blackhole, Leeching Poison is supported but not recommended.
60 : Shadowstep should be the way to go on most Fights, Burst of Speed also has it's Place at some Encounter , neither of them get used by the routine itself so it's your choice.
75 : PvP talents, nothing needed in PvE
90 : Anticipation since with 4 piece you will get a crazy amount of Combopoints in Execute Phase, also it allows pooling
100 : Shadow Reflection recommended, VR would also work if you choose to play assassination at a cleave fight for really crazy energy regen combined with the passive energy regen of assassination, DfA is inferior DPS wise to Shadow Reflection since we can use SR every 2 minutes which lines up perfectly with our Vendetta (the clone also casts Vendetta)

Glyphs :
Glyph of Energy is reccomended in all 3 speccs since it makes pooling easier.
Rest are preference but I myself am going with Glyph of Vanish in subtlety specc, third one would be Hemo if you need a quick bleed effect

Opening :
This Routine does not do the opener for you, you have to do it by yourself.
I do it like this :
10 sec prepull : premed
03 sec prepull : Tricks on Tank
02 sec prepull : slice'n'dice
01 sec prepull : press opener macro once
pull : press opener macro the second time

the macro I use is the following one, it will use your agi pot, cast SR on your target, uses Vanish for 5 CB and instantly applies a rupture
(please make sure you edit out the vanish rupture part if you are lacking 4piece t18)
/castsequence reset=30 Draenic Agility Potion,Shadow Reflection;
/castsequence reset=10 Vanish,Rupture;

Combat opening is straightforward, you have to decide if you save Marked for Death or not and do your opener accordingly
I myself do it like this:
Assault : MFD on a small add prepull
Council(if playing combat) : MFD on Bloodboil prepull
Killrogg: save MFD for first big add, if your raid is not instantly killing it with ring/Soulcap explosions, otherwise use it on killrog prepull
Gorefiend(i never play combat here since the feat phase lines up perfectly with cd's for eiter sub or assa, but if you decide to go combat..): save it for small adds
Iskar: use on prepull on iskar, cd will be up when add phase begins
Xhul: save for imps, get crazy amount of CB from imps -> deeps go skyhigh.
Manno: save for imps or use on first summoner, after imp portal closes you have to use it by yourself on manno
Archi: if you decide to go combat here for whatever reason, save for adds.

opener with MFD prepull
5 sec prepull : MfD on Boss
3 sec prepull : Tricks on Tank
2 sec prepull : Slice'n'dice
1 sec prepull : agi pot

for Assassination there is no opener, just trick the tank and use your pot.

Keybinds Routine :
- Alt + v : Toggle AoE mode (enabled by default)
- Ctrl + G : Toggle Cooldowns (you still need to enable them in Options, just a safety measure to not use a cooldown if you don't want it, for ex. in Gorefiend stomach)
- Ctrl + L : Toggle Diagnostic Log Level. You will not need that, but i might ask you for one to fix problems.

Beta Release v.1.1.0 (20.11.2015)
- Added simple Marked for Death Logic, will be used on the target with the lowest HP which is not a Boss.
- Added option to turn of auto stealth
- Added option to turn of automatic usage of offensive Vanish

Beta Release v.1.0.0 (05.11.2015)

Features already implemented:
- Combat Rotation
- Subtlety Rotation with and without T18 4Piece
- Assassination Rotation with and without T18 4 Piece, but not optimized yet.
- Works with supported Talents only at the Moment.
- Full Racial support.
- Trinket usage to Burst or to break out of Loss of control.
- No non neccesary LuaCalls – no printing to Chat.
- Tuneable usage of Defensives like Recuperate and Feint

Features may be implemented in future Builds:
- Other Talent choices - as of now no other choices come close DPS wise.
- Overhaul of Mutilation Rotation, it works, but may not pull top deeps, since I only play it for one Boss
- Any recommendation of the Userbase.
- Make it possible to choose Keybinds.

Features which won't be implemented:
- Movement.
- Proper Lowlevel support.

Huge Sections (mostly the management of Casting) of this Rotation are fully inspired by SnowCrash's work, thanks for giving me insight and letting me reuse your code.
The GUI is inspired by Hackersrage GUI on the Forums, thanks for allowing me to reuse your vertical tabs!
Also I want to thank the Developers in the Dev. Forum for the stickys which made this Project possible in the first Place.

I'd appreciate any input, may it be good or 'bad' (i don't think there is bad feedback, if I can improve of it, it's good feedback :P)
So far, Stab some Backs!

Important: Install instructions
If using the Download Link, you need to rename the Folder from "BotA - master" to "BladeOfTheAssassin".
If you are using either git or svn to checkout please do create a Folder called BladeOfTheAssassin and check it out in there.

Download : https://github.com/Joshuahelmle/BotA/archive/master.zip
SVN : https://github.com/Joshuahelmle/BotA/trunk
Git : https://github.com/Joshuahelmle/BotA.git
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Do's and dont's in HFC :
This is mostly for HC/NHC since you will know what to do if you are doing Mythic.

Hellfire Assault : Play Combat, use Marked for Death on all adds you can to maximise Combopoint generation

Iron Reaver : Play Sub/Assa, you can cloak the Blitz to let him drag you with him for max DPS, but I would suggest saving Cloak for Artillery in Airphase, if you cloak it when it hits you you prevent the damage on you aswell as the raidwide damage.

Kormrok: Play Sub/Assa, if not assigned to use smoke at a certain point of the fight use it when you stack for dragging hands to provide a bit of damage reduction.

Council: Play Combat/Assa/Sub, if you get Fel Rage, you can evasion almost the whole duration, if you play with the evasion rune you even get 10 energy per evade, Deeps go skyhigh.

Kilrogg : If Assigned for Vision, go Combat and carry the other DPS through the vision, really easy and fast to get 20 stacks. If not Vision go Sub/Assa Make sure you Feint the Death Throes and Kick the add.

Gorefiend : Assa is the way to go and pull really high numbers since feast and your 2min cd's overlap perfectly. use cooldowns on pull, then save them for feast phase and go ham. You can Cloak Mark of Doom and will not spawn a pool.

Iskar : Combat for max Deeps, just save CD's for every add phase and you should do fine.

Socrethar : Go Sub/Assa, you can easily feint one rev. blow and even a second if you get a priest shield if your raid assignes you to do so. Be sure to kick socrethar if you have to do it.

Fel Lord : Go Sub/Assa, soak meele pillars if noone else does it, you can cloak soak some waves if you are not "a pillar" yourself.

Xhul : Go Combat, make usage of Marked for Death on Imps to generate a huge amount of combo points, you can cloak the surges if you want to, but you may need cloak to clear the room if you are assigned to do so. Talented feint let's you clear 4 times, up to 8 times with cloak after 4.

Tyrant Velhari : Go sub/assa. You might want to save smoke for phase two if not assigned to do it at any other point.

Mannoroth : Go either specc, i prefer sub/assa, since the imps die crazy fast, if you are a god with marked for death usage go for combat and MfD the shit out of the imps.
if you go sub, be sure to generate combopoints with Fan of Knives off the imps and pump full damage in mannoroth (routine will do that)

Archi : Go sub/assa, you can cloak-immune the application of fire, but not cloak it to remove it, so either learn to move or precloak if you have to move through it, you can also cloak demonic feedback, but will deal the damage to others. Vanish instantly removes shackles and deals the raidwide damage.
Hey, thank you for testing mezhakov

can you be more specific? Does the Freeze occur randomly or at certain event's? like popping cooldowns or stuff?
Could you provide me with a log if this happens, might give me more insight.
Could you also tell me if you did play Assassination while this happened? since i never let the bot handle Assassination, but did some LFR and dungeon runs after your post and couldn't reproduce it.

Also does this happen with this routine only or with other routines aswell?

cheers, MoreCox
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Fixed some Bugs in Assassination Rotation which led to a wrong Target/Boss Detection.
new Version uploaded already.
[BotA]: Error Initializing Blade of the Assassin Combat Routine: System.Exception: Presets directory is missing!
bei BladeOfTheAssassin.Core.Managers.GlobalSettings.Init() in C:\Users\*********\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\Blade of the Assassin\Core\Managers\GlobalSettings.cs:Zeile 48.
bei BladeOfTheAssassin.Main.Initialize() in C:\Users\******\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\Blade of the Assassin\Main.cs:Zeile 66.

And he wont save the settings .... always uses wound poison and so on
Hello nonostyle,
Thank you for testing :)

That would be my fault for telling you to create the Folder Name wrong, thank you for feedback, already fixed in first Post.

Please rename the folder to "BladeOfTheAssassin" without whitespace , this will also fix your save settings issue, it can't save right now because it's not looking for the settings file at the right directory.
Please do also make sure you a) Save your Settings and then click on Use Settings and not only close the Settings window

Tell me if that fixes your problem, and thanks again for testing.

cheers, MoreCox
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This is a great rotation. Thanks! I'm using it for assassin.

Thank you for your kind words, if you have any suggestions (since I rarely play assasination) or encountering problems just let me know and i will gladly be of help :)

cheers, MoreCox
Thx for this i will give it a try !

Edit: If you could check your svn link plz :p
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Hey Gigofar,
thank you for testing, looking forward to your feedback.

What's with the SVN link? I did just doublecheck on Windows and Mac and I can acces it on both? Are you getting a Error or what is the Problem?

Cheers, Morecox
Is there a way to disable the offensive vanish? Kept doing it on trash when I'd prefer to save it for boss fights.
Beta Release v.1.1.0 (20.11.2015)
- Added Marked for Death support for Combat - will use MfD on the lowest health tarfet which is not a Boss
- Added Option to disable stealthing always
- Added Option to disable offensive usage of Vanish at all, or only use it at Bossfights.
Hey ryot00,

Will add it and push it today, thank you for testing.

cheers, MoreCox

Thanks! Was meaning to do more testing for you sooner but I haven't had time to play.
Now for some notes for Sub!

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but when I tried to test this on the dummy it wasn't using the offensive CD's when I had them toggled on and saved correctly in the options, not sure if it's counting it on the boss check or not.

Would it be possible to have the CR "pool" energy when Vanish and/or Shadow Dance is about to come off CD for more Ambush due to Glyph of Vanish + Master of Subtlety + Subterfuge, basically need 120 energy before hitting both just to maximize Ambush casts. Using Glyph of Energy for this.

It's currently casting Vanish even when you have Shadow Dance so you end up losing out on a bunch of Find Weakness uptime and Ambush casts, might be worth putting a check on if either up before casting an offensive Vanish since so much of your DPS depends on how well you can keep up the Find Weakness debuff.

I found that it also wasn't using Premeditation during Shadow Dance and offensive Vanish, when I play by hand I end up doing this sequence when I hit Vanish, Ambush > Premeditation wait for a Honor Among Thieves proc for the last combo point or Backstab if I have enough energy.

This one's a minor one for the lazy but it'd be good to have a Premeditation cast when you have an enemy targetted and you're in stealth, it helps with the opener.

Speaking of opener, were you planning on putting a dedicated opening sequence on boss checks? I could probably write up a opening sequence if that would help.

Thanks for the CR and the updates! Sorry if I've caused you even more work!

Edit: Because spelling is hard.
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