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Well apparently one of the biggest players in the gold market is ceasing operations at least for now, after all the bans last week, they fired all their reps.
THat website was my priority Chinese website where i sell my gold to, but i have 6 more chinese + 3 private buyers so i have no problem, i just have BIG DEMAND OF GOLD that i cant even support them all
Ah ok, i was thinking to use that method cuz like you said lot of chance on getting banned now, but what if i do this way, do you think it should work, im not saying that it gonna 100%, what i will like to know what you think about it
Also i was thinking on Farm BIG AMOUNT (millions and do just one sale, even if i get my accounts banned, i will make profit and will start fresh , in my case i have lot of buyers )
the easiest way to sell gold is spend 100g on a guild bank and deposit the G and give the bank away (after they pay you). If an investigation comes, well you'd get banned anyway, but at least the Warden won't ban you
i will follow your guide, sent all the ORS/Herbs to Vanilla Account and buy a gbankon vanilla account and sell from that account? but the rest of the account are not linked to the vanilla accout? when the ban come, my farmers account gonna get banned or im wrong?