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[PAID] BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base

I trialed this, and its really good, but I am not sure if I am going to buy it. It seems to get stuck in a few places. In AV, it has a tendancy to get stuck in the towers on the top floors around the windows, it will just run into the wall instead of out. Can I actually just blacklist the areas that it gets stuck on?
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Where can you download the free trial of this? I want to test it before I blow $36 USD on it.
Is it possible to get a trial time just like oracle 2.0 for example?

EDIT: I'm talking about a trial button in the buddystore. just saying because I can't understand my own shit :D!
First of all, thanks for this lovely botbase!

What routine is people using for a feral druid? :)
Have tried a few, but some of them dosnt even attack the mobs..
Millz this is a great Bot better than the stock one but if you could please just tweak a few things like not attacking a crowd of people by yourself and making the bot actually follow the main group or at least a few people when possible, its very bot like when your character runs off and attacks a group of 3+ by itself or runs off leaving a node unprotected to kill someone close. make it stay with friendly's if possible and not try to play Leroy Jenkins so much, also I see strange behavior sometimes of it just running circles around a character not attacking instead of strafing behind, but all in all like I said its way better than the stock one
If one buy this does it come with lifetime/future updates which will also support WoD, like the TuanHA products.
So either i pay 110€ AGAIN for 5-sessions HB + 26€ bgfarmer = 136€

or 26€*5= 130€ for 5x bgfarmer?

just lol. this new store system is just dumb and hurting old members.

They either merge your keys, or you ask for a multi-license price, just like you had to do with HB. If you have 5 computers, do you get to only buy one copy of Windows, or do you need a copy of windows for each computer?

That being said, it's a nice BotBase, but this whole pricing thing is getting kinda silly. $36? Really? lol An add-on for the bot, that is more expensive than the bot itself?
First of all, thanks for this lovely botbase!

What routine is people using for a feral druid? :)
Have tried a few, but some of them dosnt even attack the mobs..

Tuanha's CRs are very good.
I still get stuck constantly on the bowman. I have to stop the bot and do it myself, otherwise I run in circles/off the stairs/off the tower/into the tower/into the stairs... etc

Very obvious to use this in AV so far, unless all the CR's I use are not supported/retarded and are causing it.


and can the pathing be different from the bgbuddy pathing? follows the same path (or very identical if different) and thus makes it pretty obvious as well, since I'm following the rest of the bgbuddy users. also the pathing forces you to follow the same path no matter what, so if the tower is already burning it forces itself to go there. If it's going down the tower and gets knocked off, it forces itself back to where it was on the tower. Should just go "oh, I'm off the tower, ok time to go where I wanted to go."
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Hey guys, does anyone experience massive fps drop using this botbase? It only happens when targeting enemy.

It goes from 100fps to 1fps for no reason. maybe the algorithm on combat routine?

running, jumping, capping, etc doesn't cause any fps drop, only targeting enemy.

i run wow without addon on lowest setting and clean install of HB with nothing but singular and BGFarmer. no plugin is on either.

I'm running 90 night elf hunter, queueing random BG. this slowdown happened on all BG.

The FPS drop is down to your combat routine, not BGFarmer :)

I trialed this, and its really good, but I am not sure if I am going to buy it. It seems to get stuck in a few places. In AV, it has a tendancy to get stuck in the towers on the top floors around the windows, it will just run into the wall instead of out. Can I actually just blacklist the areas that it gets stuck on?

Hey - I'd need screenshots + log files for where it's getting stuck, but you can disable going into most towers, and you can blacklist areas of the map to avoid using the GUI.

Where can you download the free trial of this? I want to test it before I blow $36 USD on it.

You can trial it via the buddy store. Option is available after you login.

Is it possible to get a trial time just like oracle 2.0 for example?

EDIT: I'm talking about a trial button in the buddystore. just saying because I can't understand my own shit :D!

You can trial it via the buddy store. Option is available after you login.

Millz this is a great Bot better than the stock one but if you could please just tweak a few things like not attacking a crowd of people by yourself and making the bot actually follow the main group or at least a few people when possible, its very bot like when your character runs off and attacks a group of 3+ by itself or runs off leaving a node unprotected to kill someone close. make it stay with friendly's if possible and not try to play Leroy Jenkins so much, also I see strange behavior sometimes of it just running circles around a character not attacking instead of strafing behind, but all in all like I said its way better than the stock one

It avoids groups of people, but once a unit gets within your targeting range, it'll attack them, regardless of how many people are there. It does check the number of friendly vs enemy units around before deciding where to go etc.

It shouldn't leave nodes unattended unless it's in combat with an enemy. Once in combat the only thing it's really doing is focusing on killing the enemy - and that's handled by the combat routines.

Running in circles around a character - would need a log file for this one.

If one buy this does it come with lifetime/future updates which will also support WoD, like the TuanHA products.

The one off purchase covers you for all future updates and support for the lifetime of the product. I'll still be supporting it for WoD.

I still get stuck constantly on the bowman. I have to stop the bot and do it myself, otherwise I run in circles/off the stairs/off the tower/into the tower/into the stairs... etc

Very obvious to use this in AV so far, unless all the CR's I use are not supported/retarded and are causing it.


and can the pathing be different from the bgbuddy pathing? follows the same path (or very identical if different) and thus makes it pretty obvious as well, since I'm following the rest of the bgbuddy users. also the pathing forces you to follow the same path no matter what, so if the tower is already burning it forces itself to go there. If it's going down the tower and gets knocked off, it forces itself back to where it was on the tower. Should just go "oh, I'm off the tower, ok time to go where I wanted to go."

Which CR are you using? Are you using BGFarmer's movement or the CR? Try disabling move behind targets if you're a melee toon and using BGFarmer's movement. If that fixes it then I'll need to fix the code.

The pathing can be altered by using the GUI. Select the navigation tab, and click add blackspot when you're on a path you don't want to be on. It'll pick a different path in future. You can increase the range of the blackspot to block off larger areas of the map. 1-2 yards is enough to pick an entirely new path though.


Bot hangs around at various objectives too long sometimes, specifically Eye of the Storm..

Have an option where:

If Combat after X Period of Time = False
If X amount of players are nearby = True
If Another Objective = True

Move onto the next objective.

X = Adjustable Values

Bot just hangs around other bot's somtimes, and even though this plugins makes slight movements - it's still suss!

Otherwise, not too many issues - great work Millz & the team.

It'll only hang around at objectives if it needs to (i.e. defending a base because you're the only one doing it). If all bases are being defended then your toon will focus on other stuff. There's a lot of logic behind deciding when to defend or attack - focused purely on winning the game (because we get more honor when we win :))
I'm using this with my ret paladin using TuanHa's CR. It likes to run through guys over and over rather than just stay still. I don't know if that's intended. Are my settings messed up?

This is with movement enabled with BGFarmer, disabled in CR. It doesn't do this with movement in CR enabled and disabled in BGFarmer.

View attachment 8576 2014-11-03 20.01.txt
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Hi Millz,

I'm using your portal CR and recently got bgfarmer. It's working great for the most part but for some reason, whenever my character gets to Drek's room in AV it continuously runs into the back wall (like it's on auto run) while casting ice lance until I manually stop it. After I stop it, it performs its rotation as normal on Drek. It does the same for Galv/Bal so I disabled that in AV settings but I can't disable going to Drek. I'm using the quick setup movement options of "Caster" set in BGFarmer with kiting off. I have all movement settings turned off in portal. Log attached.

Approximate time where I watched it happening and then stopped the bot was near the end. BGFarmer is spamming "Stopping movement!" message during the period where I continuously cast ice lance facing the wrong direction and running into the back wall. Here's a snippet where it was happening (more in log):

Drek'Thar @ 68.3% - 2.1m] [Id: 11946]
[11:43:16.650 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Stopping Movement!
[11:43:16.992 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [BF: 0] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Ice Lance] [On: Drek'Thar @ 66.7% - 2.0m] [Id: 11946]
[11:43:17.053 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Stopping Movement!
[11:43:17.117 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**various] [Message:lol....30 of them standing around and jumping at the aid station flag]
[11:43:17.118 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Stopping Movement!
[11:43:17.322 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [BF: 0] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Ice Lance] [On: Drek'Thar @ 65.8% - 2.0m] [Id: 11946]
[11:43:17.384 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Stopping Movement!
[11:43:17.792 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [BF: 0] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Ice Lance] [On: Drek'Thar @ 63.9% - 2.0m] [Id: 11946]

Can you try disabling BGFarmer's movement, and enabling it within Portal? Let me know the outcome.


I'm using this with my ret paladin using TuanHa's CR. It likes to run through guys over and over rather than just stay still. I don't know if that's intended. Are my settings messed up?

This is with movement enabled with BGFarmer, disabled in CR. It doesn't do this with movement in CR enabled and disabled in BGFarmer.

View attachment 149532

"Help %base! %enemies% incoming!" -> You're missing the % at the end of %base.. Should be %base% :)

Try increasing the keep within range value from 2 yards to 3. It'll stop it getting so close to targets (and appearing to run through).
This is some amazing piece of work you've created! Bought it yesterday and testing it out with a rogue. At first I had some problems with FPS lag, but that was due to the combat routine and not the bot.

Only thing that did happen a couple of times is it running into an object and keep on running instead of going around it. Is there somekind of a "We are stuck"-solution build in that I missed in settings?

I don't have a logfile atm, but if it happens again I'll post the logfile.
Which CR are you using? Are you using BGFarmer's movement or the CR? Try disabling move behind targets if you're a melee toon and using BGFarmer's movement. If that fixes it then I'll need to fix the code.

The pathing can be altered by using the GUI. Select the navigation tab, and click add blackspot when you're on a path you don't want to be on. It'll pick a different path in future. You can increase the range of the blackspot to block off larger areas of the map. 1-2 yards is enough to pick an entirely new path though.

I use Vitalic's Rogue CR. I also used Singular, same issue.

The problem with me running off towers/stairs trying to get to a bowman seems to be related to me trying to get behind the target. The problem with me just running straight into a tower trying to get to the bowman (or into the edge of stairs) seems to be unrelated. I use BGFarmer's movement.

And ah, I'll try the blackspot when HB is fixed. Thanks for the replies btw.
Can you use this with a non-afk CR to afk bgs? Like i have Gladiator Suite's CR's but they dont provide movement, so if i use those will this move for me so i can afk?
Can you use this with a non-afk CR to afk bgs? Like i have Gladiator Suite's CR's but they dont provide movement, so if i use those will this move for me so i can afk?

The bot itself has movement build in. I'm using this with TuanHA combat routine with movement in the routine disabled.
Crap! I realised that I requested a refund on this! I definitely did not want that, is there any way to have this reversed so I can re-purchase?
Getting some serious FPS stutter after using this.

Especially once it engages in combat.

I have an i7 and a evga 980ti so hardware isn't an issue. anyone have this problem?
Anyone using bgfarmer with Arelog? It doesn't load the bot on start. Is there a way to make it work?