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New Member
Jan 11, 2016
Hello I know the bot is never safe .
But can I use the Bgbuddy without being banned .
So how then, or this is a safer Ban ?
Hi, Malev123,

BG and Arena activities are two of the highest risk things you can do as far as getting banned for botting.

We suggest you start here:

Then, do some forum research. The "Ban Reports" sub-forum is an excellent place to start.

Why do people continue to open threads asking if botting is safe by stating that they know that botting is never safe...You know the answer to your question, stop asking the question.

Yes, you are going to get banned. No, noone can tell you how long your account will last. No, it's not HB's fault you got banned. Yes, it's your fault and yours alone.

If you really need to ask the question, botting isn't for you.
Why do people continue to open threads asking if botting is safe by stating that they know that botting is never safe...You know the answer to your question, stop asking the question.

Yes, you are going to get banned. No, noone can tell you how long your account will last. No, it's not HB's fault you got banned. Yes, it's your fault and yours alone.

If you really need to ask the question, botting isn't for you.
Why do people continue to open threads asking if botting is safe by stating that they know that botting is never safe...You know the answer to your question, stop asking the question.

Yes, you are going to get banned. No, noone can tell you how long your account will last. No, it's not HB's fault you got banned. Yes, it's your fault and yours alone.

If you really need to ask the question, botting isn't for you.

because we lkike to hear the internets version of mean ass old men yelling" You damn kids get out of my yard (shakes fist)
Here is the official Bossland/HonorBuddy answer to the daily questions of "Is botting safe".


If you search this forum for threads about HB's safety (literally just taping 'safe' into search field) you'll find scores of similar threads related to safety, most are answered in the same fashion but nevertheless it will give you the information you need. Here are a few examples.


In these forums there is a wealth of information on A) Is botting safe B) What's the best way to make gold C) How does this work.
The search field is your buddy, likely anything you type into it will yield hundreds of results because in the years and years of Honorbuddy's existence, pretty much every question has been asked and answered. Multiple times. Google is also pretty helpful. We all will get caught eventually but the length of time we get away with it can be very long if we aren't stupid about it (don't bot where 50 people can see you.) Good luck.
As always a pissing contest on the forums ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Talk about getting of topic
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Do not AFK bot in BGs.

It is the unsafest way to bot, as far as I'm aware. There are at least nine salty people on your team if your bot is poorly configured running around doing hilariously dumb shit like hardcasting healing touch in the middle of the enemy team on a feral. (I cannot tell you how many of these I've seen)