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Hello again, I didnt get anymore replies from my last post so I made another in hopes of more help.
Running BGBuddy-Blank profile-FPSware CC (rogue) cleared cache. Any other character that I BG has no issues.
Thank you for any help.
I use BGbuddy with my hunter or druid and they can go on for days, addons and all the plugins running, However if I use BGbuddy with my rogue I get a fatal wow error after a cpl games. I turned off all addons, cleared cache, got different CC, and turned off certain plugins but still same result.
its a problem with wow, not just honorbuddy.
tony made an offical post about it, but at the moment i cant find it.
the only thing i can suggest is running arelog. so at least it will put you back ingame if you get d/ced
DEDO, have you tried using FPSware Rogue CC? perhaps it would fix it for you. As for me I ran alot of differant CC's with differant specs and still same issues for me.. I use reloger but it won't log in HB. I'll try Arelog.
Posting my most recent log if anyone can share anymore insight on it. Thanks for all the help =)