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BGbuddy very bot like and noticable


Jan 15, 2010
loots insignia's and other bots follow it in a line pretty much stopping and getting stuck at same spots. why was last bgbot updated :(
loot turned off but still very bot like....before with pvp setting i would be fine.... now with the new bgbuddy all i hear in game is Bots Bots Bots... cuz u see like 6 just following eachother all stopping at same spots getting stuck on poles etc..
whatcha; if you have a recommendation of code on how to make it less bot like ... then lets hear it
I ran BG Bot Beta with all of my chars.. for up to 10 hours and more a day and never was reported or banned. And I can't Imagine that they would bring out something like BG Buddy if it wouldn't be better. ( I didn't ran it yet because of inactivity but anyway )
whatcha; if you have a recommendation of code on how to make it less bot like ... then lets hear it

Don't get pissy. BGBuddy is fail right now due to the follow swarm system.

EG 5Bots in WSG. Game starts, Five bots still sitting at gate because its the most numbers and the bots don't move right off the bat due to it detecting the match has started.

AV, Same situation, bots still waiting to start while everyones already mounted and moving away, bots sit in av starting area for 5mins, then spend rest of the time getting stuck due to mesh issues while trying to get up a tower to the 'biggest fight'.
whatcha; if you have a recommendation of code on how to make it less bot like ... then lets hear it

I made a bunch of those in IRC!!!

Honestly, the biggest one would be not running into ten billion horde alone.
Example: BFG, alliance controlling mine. Lone horde rezzing at the ship and going straight to the huge pack of alliance, over and over.

That and the randomization of tasks (not path). I've also mentioned this in IRC. Whenever I had two of my bots on the same BG, they'd run side by side doing the same thing, even if the path was "random".
I also remember saying that it'd be a problem when it went public and there were 3-4 bots... go figure, now people complain!

Other than that, I don't think it looks botlike. At least it doesn't run into walls... (I was actually joking, but now that I think about it, did the AV mesh ever get fixed?)
Main problem for me is the old tasks were far more useful to winning the BG than the current task is. For example in WSG previously it would always go for the flag carrier, now i hang out with the noobs in mid getting farmed.

Swarm based does nothing useful, in AB it fights on road far to often, previously it would fight on the flag and then take it. Previously my DK and warrior would be top damage, top KB's, almost every bg. Now it is usually low on the list because i spend more time riding to the fight, and when i get there its already over.

Just to recap: Botlike is not the issue (for me) its just a terrible player/pvper
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My BGbuddy is also like this. My character mounts up, runs to an enemy, and stands ontop of him for ages, following him, until i die. Or if the oponent dies, he will just loot the insignia and move to another target. I ended with 19 deaths and 1000 damage done as a rogue. This is very strange.

The old PVP was better.. it actually went into combat.

Ps. I received a 3 hour ban after running BGbuddy for 2 hours
I've used BGBuddy on 12 characters so far, each for many hours at a time [funny story, I've had a handful of BGs where my accounts on opposite factions were against each other]. Those characters are now in 5/5 ruthless, with a weapon and offhand, and are closing in on being FULLY geared. Not once have I received a single whisper accusing me of botting.

However, I will add in a note that might bring light to why my success is different: I only run BG Buddy on healers or ranged DPS, never melee. On the healers, nobody is going to call out a healer for following the biggest battles, or defending the flag carrier instead of moving out to attack. With ranged DPS, the botting is also less obvious because the bots are able to get quite a few hits off before being targetted, which helps pad them on the damage done meter.
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BGBuddy worked perfectly for me. I got 8 FULL ruthless toons (as in avg ilevel 390) in one weekend. The thing was, I did it while testing, so there mostly weren't other botters (unless I ran into my own accounts).
Even with just two bots it was obvious they were running together and doing the same thing all the time. I reported that.

As for actual functionality, it worked perfectly on my melee classes (Paladin/DK). The people with problems might wanna try other CCs.
Swiny is making a Gatherbot that uses random paths...maybe talk to him an implement that into the PvP system? Everything works fine for me...but I agree to the fact that in AB (As Alliance) runs across the first bridge stops for a few seconds and starts again, a few times I have seen other characters doing the same things as my bot is. Other than that just not running into a group of 6 Horde alone would be nice.
It is most definitely not the CC as i am using the "EZPvp" cc's which worked beautifully with the previous bg bot/pvp bot. Now that doesnt mean you wont get honor, you just get it much slower as you loose so much more often now that the bg has to carry 2-3 bots every game, they are quite easy to spot when you are one too :P. Also trying to farm conquest becomes a nightmare.

All that aside tho as its soley a matter of time (brute forcing currency) before you cap out what you wanted. I worry that now that the bot does poorly people are more likely to report you as afk. Here are a few examples:

Sota: Spends 90% of the fight on the beach fighting, even tho yellow is getting hit hard.
WSG: Will not move to attack the EFC
AB: Spends all its time on the roads trying to find "the biggest fight" which is usualy on the other side of the map and is over when it arrives
BFG: Gets stuck on rocks often trying to get to mines, logged out twice due to this

these are just a couple of things i can thing of off the top of my head. And as i said these are new issues to the new "bgbuddy" i am using the same characters with the same awesome ezpvp cc i have been for 2 months now. Personally i would be happy if the old pvpbot was added back in as an alternative for those of us who despise this new one :D
The issue isn't with the bot itself in most cases (at least it seems). The issue is you guys have 2-5 other people in your BG that are using the bot, too. Of course this is going to look bad, and there isn't much you or the dev's can do about it.

I have 15 different characters in full ruthless/cataclysmic gear, usually with full gear for different specs as well. Never been banned/warned and only been whispered a handful of times that I've seen. I also contribute this to being on a pve server where the pvp isn't nearly as active...

When you have one person botting instead of 5 botting a BG, of course you're going to look less conspicuous than the rest.

I think what the devs are getting at is what steps could they possibly take to make a swarm of bots look less bot like. Not what pathing could they change.
I've used BGBuddy on 12 characters so far, each for many hours at a time [funny story, I've had a handful of BGs where my accounts on opposite factions were against each other]. Those characters are now in 5/5 ruthless, with a weapon and offhand, and are closing in on being FULLY geared. Not once have I received a single whisper accusing me of botting.

However, I will add in a note that might bring light to why my success is different: I only run BG Buddy on healers or ranged DPS, never melee. On the healers, nobody is going to call out a healer for following the biggest battles, or defending the flag carrier instead of moving out to attack. With ranged DPS, the botting is also less obvious because the bots are able to get quite a few hits off before being targetted, which helps pad them on the damage done meter.

idk but, using my resto sham with shamwow. im getting stuck for the whole bg or until i die in the middle of big fights with 10+ people watching me hitting a wall (not even a corner), i cant imagine all of them reporting me over and over while im sleeping, that too bottish, i quit bgbuddy after i saw my toon doing that lol.. but this is the first release.. i know bgbuddy in a future would reduce those stucks, wich in my opiinion are the only reason cuz ppl can report you, they cant report you as botter, just cuz u dive a tower alone, cuz we all know there are some retard ppl on bg with no group pvp sence..

sorry for my english lmao
well tbh bgbuddy is kinda fail i do have the same problems and so do alot of other people, we all have posted plenty of logs and no answer to it...i went back to using the old version n works alot better...for me anyway
whatcha; if you have a recommendation of code on how to make it less bot like ... then lets hear it

I have a recommendation!!! lol and im already 3 posts deeper than new lol
Basically BGbot is hit or miss. If you get into a BG with not many botters you tend to do very well, I came back from afk the other day and my pally had cleaned up the last 19 ab games, with stupidly high killings blows and lots of honor. Later that day it began to lose all the time because the AB was composed of at least 5/15 botters which lead's to the fundemntal flaw in the bots new logic system. It wants to go where the most people are, but when you have 5 /15 stacked together and they all want that, chances are that is the highest concentration of players in that instance.

The solution for that would be a sub routine if there are a number of players surrounding you and are not next to a flag or an objective and they are not doing anything special then backlog the grouping mechanism and set the move to largest battle in motion, then all 5 of those bots would cruise into the largest battle and most likley win it.

I imagine it would look something like this in layman's terms:

[COLOR=#ff0000][B]IF[/B][/COLOR] player [B]IS GROUPED[/B] up with other players[COLOR=#0000ff][B](x or more)[/B][/COLOR];
   [COLOR=#ff0000][B]IF [/B][/COLOR]group is [B]NOT MOVING[/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000]OR[/COLOR][/B] [B]NOT[/B] [B]DEFENDING[/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000]OR[/COLOR][/B] [B]NOT ATTACKING[/B];
        [COLOR=#ff0000][B]THEN[/B][/COLOR] override [B]LARGEST GROUP[/B]; 
[B]               [COLOR=#0000ff]GO TO[/COLOR][/B] [B]LARGEST BATTLE[/B];
         [B][COLOR=#ff0000]ELSE[/COLOR][/B] return;  
so on and so forth....

Additionally if we could incorporate a check into the logic or a random number generator in that will cause our toons to periodiclly veer a few degrees off course or cut a sharp corner and then correct itself like human error to get the stacks of players off of each other during typical navigation in bg's

[B][COLOR=#ff0000]IF[/COLOR][/B] player is moving to objective;
  [COLOR=#0000ff] Direction == ( RNG(range=70) +- x degrees left or right);
   Update Direction == 2 seconds;
  [B][COLOR=#ff0000] IF[/COLOR][/B] player still headed to objective?;
   [B][COLOR=#ff0000]ELSE; [/COLOR][/B]   

and onward....
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