I just want to take a moment to say BgBuddy is really looking nice lately!
One thing I wonder if you are still working on tweaking it --- After capping a flag, or when staying at the base, say in AB or BFG, can you make it so the character moves 10 yards away from the flag? This way the bot won't get sap and capped easily. (It's always best to stand 10/15 yards out or so, that way if a rogue saps you, you trinket out, then rogue blinds, but he has to spend a few seconds running to the flag to cap, so a quick warrior charge, or spell hit will not allow him to cap).
One thing I wonder if you are still working on tweaking it --- After capping a flag, or when staying at the base, say in AB or BFG, can you make it so the character moves 10 yards away from the flag? This way the bot won't get sap and capped easily. (It's always best to stand 10/15 yards out or so, that way if a rogue saps you, you trinket out, then rogue blinds, but he has to spend a few seconds running to the flag to cap, so a quick warrior charge, or spell hit will not allow him to cap).