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Yeah I used to use a self autoit script along with wow macros, but ever since they removed /follow in bgs that stopped working. I never got detected using that despite people reporting me afk often.
I notice bg buddy has pretty smart ai, and no one can even tell its a bot. The Mage rotations/routines the bot uses is pretty good. Does blizzard pick it up through warden in contrast to player reports?
Also I only queue AV where it's easier to blend in.
Warden can not detect honorbuddy. If it could, we'd all be banned. Don't worry about that.
I would keep a close eye on your bot if you're using BGBuddy though. Lots of people complain that the pathing is too structured and leads to a lot of player reports (the main factor in getting banned).
Questing is pretty safe in my experience. Personally I use Kicks questing profiles as they go from 1-90 and are pretty reliable. I'd still keep an eye on the bot, but it's quite rare that they get stuck or require user input.