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BGbuddy becomes worse?

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New Member
Nov 5, 2011
I noticed the BGbuddy is worse than BGbot (beta.
I am playing holy pala. When i When I used the old version - i was in top by healing.
Now i am not in top... I am on last places on healing! Bot ussually just staying mounted and do nothing when next to him is a battle!
Today i used BGbuddy about 5 hours and i gets deserter about 4 times! I have not been reported! Bot just 'LOADING TITLES" for a long time and just goes afk!
Any one got the same problem? I had no such problems with the old version of BGbot!
you must be probably the only person saying that Bgbot is better than BgBuddy :(
OK! Tony, here is the profile! Look it! YOu will see that bot GOES AFK 2 times!!
Look the log of last battle! This was Isle of Conquest. What bot is doing?? Nothin! JUST LOADING TITLES! After that he being reported and get's deserter!!
Also, situation with my rogue is totally horrible! I trying 3 different CCs- singular, wrogue and Jsub! But my rogue DONT FIGHT!!! he got about 100k damage in the and of the game. No kills and 15+ deaths!


make a new Hb installation from scratch
dont use any plugins
use fpsware's Rogue CC
I got a new problem! I can't login to HB! I got Authentication Failed! What it is? I rebooted my PC , but problem not solved
I am stealing this thread Tony,

I know you been sayin for us to try out Fpsware CC..
I have it on all my other chars, except for Shammy, obvilously ;)

But this is NOT a good CC for Subs.. says it supports it, but aint doin the job, the settings is 95% combat.. and.. well.. we aint combat as Sub ;)

anyways, found that Singular bu Obliv is the best coded one here tbh..

But hey, props to ya guys anyways! ;)

// macroon
Tony, here is log,. I am using rogue FPSware... my toon DO NOTHING!!!! Just stay in grave!! omfg!


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Did you disbaled all WOW Addons too?

Please delete all CCs just the one you want to use. In the past i got Problem with too much CCs in one HB installation.

Try to switch to Combat Skill with your Toon.
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I don't have any addons to wow.
Try to switch to Combat Skill with your Toon.
what do you mean? Make a combat talent spec?
I have a russian wow. Is it ok?
I deleted all rugues CC from the folder. But rogue still do nothing. He just make poisons make some movements. Don't attack anyone.
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Yes please try with the Second Talent Tree in your Class to Skill "Combat".
And please just put Singular in the CC Folder, delete all other CCs out of it.

its a try.
TBH bg sucks atm it run stops runs stops with all chars i want pvp back so i can use the profiles agian
I noticed the BGbuddy is worse than BGbot (beta.
I am playing holy pala. When i When I used the old version - i was in top by healing.
Now i am not in top... I am on last places on healing! Bot ussually just staying mounted and do nothing when next to him is a battle!
Today i used BGbuddy about 5 hours and i gets deserter about 4 times! I have not been reported! Bot just 'LOADING TITLES" for a long time and just goes afk!
Any one got the same problem? I had no such problems with the old version of BGbot!

i agree i liked bgbot (beta) better BGbuddy is clearly more bot visible since it stands in the middle of combat mounted versus running around and it also crashed my wow and gets deserter ever other bg
i agree i liked bgbot (beta) better BGbuddy is clearly more bot visible since it stands in the middle of combat mounted versus running around and it also crashed my wow and gets deserter ever other bg
I got the same problem! And it is wery bad!
hmm i do not know what you guys are doing wrong. i farmed full rutheles in a day on my rogue and another day on my dk. this works fine. it is probably you who do not know what to do or doing sum random stuff to it.
works amazingly well for me when i use the right CC, what your experiencing is issues with the CC's that you use not the actual Bot. Most healing classes stay mounted, when the UPaCCBT pala profile was updated to correct the mounted issue it works flawlessly again.

EDIT: the stuttering that some of you are seeing when the bot moves to the next waypoint (or where it clicks) can be fixed by creating a new meshes folder somewhere and directing the mesh settings to that folder in the bot settings section. Worked for me and was advised by CodenameG.
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Guys, just look on this screenshot. There no need any comments. I am full epic pala healer. ANd i am on 19 place on healing! Lower than warlocks and dks! It is Alterac.
Wheh i used old BGbot i always was in top 5 healers. But now it is holy crap! low heal.webp
If your bot decides to defend somewhere where there are hardly any people, or it cant make it to where the largest battle is occuring because you get ganked on the way your not going to top the healing meters. That isnt the bots fault, by looking at your image the Bot is working as intended.

You need to realise, in the recent AV's the Horde has started defending a lot more so the bot doesnt tend to make it to the end boss very often.
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