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BGBuddy @ AV in

My druid does the same thing at icewing bunker. In addition, my bot isnt able to climb the stairs at incewing bunker, instead he turns too early while going up the stairs and runs into a wall for about 30 secs. Obvious botter alert...

In the beginning of the match, my druid runs straight through the valley of strafe towards the alliance and tries to take them 1v10.
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BGBuddy still sucks

The HonorBuddy team are working as best as they can.
Comments like this are just nu-necessary in my opinion.
If you don't like BGBuddy then don't use it. Simple solution!
It still decides to run through the house at Stonehearth Graveyard, and gets stuck at the crates at Tower Point.
But else it has really improved
The HonorBuddy team are working as best as they can.
Comments like this are just nu-necessary in my opinion.
If you don't like BGBuddy then don't use it. Simple solution!

Dont put stuff i wrote out of context... I wrote "BGBuddy still sucks AT AV" witch is true I am not trying to flame or hate actually I do have patience and was just trying to let develops know that the issue is still there. I don't mind waiting for stable release when there is one but until then I find it is my duty to report the issues as much as it's developer team duty to hear them out. Maybe I had an unfortunate choice of words there there was no hate intended.

@CodenameG: Yes, I did try running BGBuddy w/o Mixed Mode. Still the same
you guys do know you can add blackspots and fix most of these stuck issues yourselves?
CodenameG can i take blackspots from my pvpbot profiles and put them in bgbuddy? My concern is some of these blackspots were to avoid towers. With current bgbuddy in AV i have to babysit my toons nonstop as they have the love for the towers.
CodenameG can i take blackspots from my pvpbot profiles and put them in bgbuddy? My concern is some of these blackspots were to avoid towers. With current bgbuddy in AV i have to babysit my toons nonstop as they have the love for the towers.
you can stick them in and try it, i dont think the map has changed any, so they should work
now that BGBuddy supports more profile customization someone needs to release some profiles so not everyone is using the bare basics that HB comes with.
I gave it a go and bgbuddy will override the blackspot and still go into the tower. If there was a pvpbuddy with the same random pathing that would be great. This way there are no objective overrides. I also tried to remove the boxes from the profile but it only bombs bgbuddy and will not start.
you guys do know you can add blackspots and fix most of these stuck issues yourselves?

ye tryed setting blackspots around the areas it gets stuck, that doesnt seem to do anything, it still gets stuck at the same exact spots, infact manualy blackspotting never worked for me, guess i must be doing something wrong altho i do exactly what the bot tells me to, 1st edge saved Check . now run to the oposite end Check, doesnt work...

And whats with icewing bunker when my toon targets an enemy inside it runs up the stairs and keeps falling down stepping of the ledge and stairs, then get stuck on a corner or trying to run through a wall.
ye tryed setting blackspots around the areas it gets stuck, that doesnt seem to do anything, it still gets stuck at the same exact spots, infact manualy blackspotting never worked for me, guess i must be doing something wrong altho i do exactly what the bot tells me to, 1st edge saved Check . now run to the oposite end Check, doesnt work...

And whats with icewing bunker when my toon targets an enemy inside it runs up the stairs and keeps falling down stepping of the ledge and stairs, then get stuck on a corner or trying to run through a wall.
you do the first edge, then the opposite edge, then it prints out the proper blackspot in the log, copy and paste that into your profile. and reload the profile, and it will use it. it dose not automatically add it just because you ran though the routine.
Was having the same problem and as it is AV weekend it is VERY noticable who is using HB about 10 people all standing ontop of each other at Icewing bunker.

I tried adding a blackspot but BGBuddy seemed to just override it and continue with camping at Icewing, so I removed the Icewing hotspot completely from

HB\Default Profiles\BGBuddy\Alterac Valley.xml

That seemed to fix the problem for me atleast, I kept the blackspot in there for good measure.

<!-- Icewing Bunker blackspot-->
<Blackspot X="209.0394" Y="-371.2238" Z="45.7272" Radius="25.16557" />

So after hitting post I tabbed back to WoW to see my toon just sitting at Stormpike GY now,
obviously the problem isn't fixed but atleast when random enemys run nearby you try to attack them and it looks like your doing something rather than just afking.
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yea i had two people whisper telling me they reported me, and to have fun on the appeal. good part is , its a friends account so he can claim it was hacked :-)
I'm noticing as horde it always goes to belinda even if she is already dead. would be nice to check if she's not there while passing the building and skip walking in

However on the flip side, i was in an AV where the whole raid decided to rush the finish and skip her hence it just kept running into belinda, pulling on its own and dying
Being it was AV weekend, I finally decided to try out HB and find the pathing revealing. There are several factors contributing to a possible report.

-Holiday Wreaths. I find that because BGBuddy cuts the shortest path, it's getting caught in these holiday wreaths. Specifically coming out of Iceblood Garrison, and Tower Point. Maybe increase the arc they path coming out of those structures to avoid getting stuck during holiday events were they place obstacles even when they are not there.

-Out the gates! There's clearly a path that the bot takes that is only unique to BGBuddy. It's very apparent to see who's using HB knowing that I'm using it myself when there's a group of 8 taking this path from the start of the alliance start spawn up to the East side of the map instead of the normal path that everyone takes. Maybe keep the path only on the main path that the pack takes would be less obvious to other HB users. I only say that cuz I read in a thread that other botters report other botters :(

-Off the beaten path. My alliance priest pathed down the map on the East side of the Stonehearth Outpost; the very route the horde take up to kill Balinda. Twice in a row. Can that be changed to stay on the West side of Stonehearth with the rest of the pack? What person runs into a pack of the opposite faction solo without dismounting, as if to run right through without a hitch?

Other than that, I watched my priest on a separate screen while surfing. I managed to overt getting stuck with a timely jump. I find HB easy to use and really helpful for the honor grind. I hope to expand my use and utilize HB to its fullest.