Hi, as you know guys, many ppl wintrading RBG nowadays. Im doing it also. If anyone can find or create profile/plugin for wintrading i can pay good money for that.
What it needs to do:
On Arathi Basin: just check all the bases in a row, without defending.
Warsong Gulch: when the door is open, goes to flag, then returning on base and do the same.
Eye of the Storm: check 4 bases then when all of them would be capped start to do flag.
Twin Peaks: such as WSG
Temple of Kothmogu: take a sphere then go to the middle and stay with antiafk(jump maybe or ability clicker) plugin untill its end.
Silvershard Mines: just stay with antiafk on the coordinates i will give to you.
The Battle for Gilneas: just check 3 bases in a row then stay on antiafk untill win.
What it needs to do:
On Arathi Basin: just check all the bases in a row, without defending.
Warsong Gulch: when the door is open, goes to flag, then returning on base and do the same.
Eye of the Storm: check 4 bases then when all of them would be capped start to do flag.
Twin Peaks: such as WSG
Temple of Kothmogu: take a sphere then go to the middle and stay with antiafk(jump maybe or ability clicker) plugin untill its end.
Silvershard Mines: just stay with antiafk on the coordinates i will give to you.
The Battle for Gilneas: just check 3 bases in a row then stay on antiafk untill win.