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i got this problem today, the bot will not reque after first bg? at morning its working perfect but now its just dont do anything after first BG. Any tricks to fix this?
Frist of all post the full log in here, secondly make sure u have updated ure HB2 (clicking on WyUpdate). And then if ure using a CC like ShamWOW or another one that has multiple CCs for classes try to delete the Singular if its not that one u use!
it didnt give any "log" last log was mounting up Red Skeletal Horse, it just saying loading "tile?s" then i watched all my settings again and buddy was updated. BUT i fixed the bug with testing like everything, i cross the "Find Vendors Automatically" and the bot went to repairer and repaired the gear and now it works.
it didnt give any "log" last log was mounting up Red Skeletal Horse, it just saying loading "tile?s" then i watched all my settings again and buddy was updated. BUT i fixed the bug with testing like everything, i cross the "Find Vendors Automatically" and the bot went to repairer and repaired the gear and now it works.