[13:21:16:828] You are stunned and unable to cast
[13:21:16:828] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:46.1%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:16:854] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=8.4 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:16:890] /Use: Seelenk?stchen
[13:21:16:890] You are stunned and unable to cast
[13:21:16:891] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:46.1%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:16:891] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=8.4 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:17:266] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:45.5%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:17:267] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=8.4 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:17:268] /Use: Seelenk?stchen
[13:21:17:268] You are stunned and unable to cast
[13:21:17:268] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:45.5%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:17:269] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=8.4 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:17:587] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:45.5%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:17:588] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=8.4 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:17:589] /Use: Seelenk?stchen
[13:21:17:589] You are stunned and unable to cast
[13:21:17:589] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:45.5%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:17:590] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=8.4 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:18:480] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:6.8%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:18:528] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=16.3 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:18:600] /Use: Seelenk?stchen
[13:21:18:600] You are stunned and unable to cast
[13:21:18:601] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:6.8%/100.0%, combat:True, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:True, silenced:False
[13:21:18:633] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.CF91 th=100.0%, tdist=16.2 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=Y ttarget=-ME- taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[13:21:19:654] Cleared POI - Reason Player Died
[13:21:19:654] Cleared POI
[13:21:19:654] I died.
[13:21:26:257] Best: FelReaverRuins, <2042.904, 1738.793, 1190.063>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 7, IsDefault: False
[13:21:26:257] Best: FelReaverRuins, <2042.904, 1738.793, 1190.063>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 7, IsDefault: False
[13:21:41:340] Best: FelReaverRuins, <2042.904, 1738.793, 1190.063>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:21:41:340] Best: FelReaverRuins, <2042.904, 1738.793, 1190.063>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:21:45:053] % FindBestTarget: found 0 mobs within 40.0 yds
[13:21:45:054] % WhichShieldTypeNeeded: Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[13:21:45:054] % Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded -- Mounted=False, Flying=False
[13:21:45:055] % PVPSTAT Enter REST [me]: h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:False, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[13:21:45:055] % Ressurection: dead ressurection target is invalid, resetting
[13:21:45:055] % WhichShieldTypeNeeded: Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[13:21:45:058] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[13:21:45:164] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x0, 0) [4290]
[13:21:45:193] *Lightning Shield
[13:21:45:455] % WaitForCurrentSpell: waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[13:21:45:500] [BuddyCenter]: Sending notifo notification
[13:21:46:567] % ShamanBuffs: AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[13:21:46:570] % PVPSTAT Exit REST [me]: h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:False, melee:0, range:1, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[13:21:46:768] % FindBestTarget: found 0 mobs within 40.0 yds
[13:21:46:943] % WaitForCurrentCast: no cast in progress
[13:21:46:966] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[13:21:47:038] % Safe_CastSpell: cannot cast spell 'Water Walking' yet - cd=False, gcd=False, casting=False, cost=702, mana=83240,
[13:21:47:038] % MountUp: detected HonorBuddy trying to mount
[13:21:47:238] Spell_C::CastSpell(27707, 0, 0x0, 0) [4291]
[13:21:53:767] Activity: Moving to FelReaverRuins
[13:21:53:953] % FindBestTarget: found 0 mobs within 40.0 yds
[13:21:56:357] Best: FelReaverRuins, <2042.904, 1738.793, 1190.063>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:21:56:357] Best: FelReaverRuins, <2042.904, 1738.793, 1190.063>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:21:59:041] % WaitForCurrentCast: no cast in progress
[13:21:59:080] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[13:21:59:148] % Safe_CastSpell: cannot cast spell 'Water Walking' yet - cd=False, gcd=False, casting=False, cost=702, mana=83240,
[13:21:59:148] % MountUp: detected HonorBuddy trying to mount
[13:21:59:348] Spell_C::CastSpell(27707, 0, 0x0, 0) [4292]
[13:22:06:003] % FindBestTarget: found 0 mobs within 40.0 yds
[13:22:10:987] % WaitForCurrentCast: no cast in progress
[13:22:11:020] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[13:22:11:094] % Safe_CastSpell: cannot cast spell 'Water Walking' yet - cd=False, gcd=False, casting=False, cost=702, mana=83240,
[13:22:11:094] % MountUp: detected HonorBuddy trying to mount
[13:22:11:295] Spell_C::CastSpell(27707, 0, 0x0, 0) [4293]
[13:22:17:825] Best: BloodElfTower, <2048.365, 1396.737, 1194.286>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:22:17:825] Best: BloodElfTower, <2048.365, 1396.737, 1194.286>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:22:17:825] Activity: Moving to BloodElfTower
[13:22:17:993] % FindBestTarget: found 0 mobs within 40.0 yds
[13:22:22:964] % WaitForCurrentCast: no cast in progress
[13:22:23:003] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[13:22:23:005] % Safe_CastSpell: cannot cast spell 'Water Walking' yet - cd=False, gcd=False, casting=False, cost=702, mana=83240,
[13:22:23:005] % MountUp: detected HonorBuddy trying to mount
[13:22:23:206] Spell_C::CastSpell(27707, 0, 0x0, 0) [4294]
[13:22:30:021] % FindBestTarget: found 0 mobs within 40.0 yds
[13:22:32:830] Best: DraeneiRuins, <2285.415, 1391.91, 1196.19>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:22:32:830] Best: DraeneiRuins, <2285.415, 1391.91, 1196.19>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:22:32:854] Activity: Moving to DraeneiRuins
[13:22:35:364] Tried to move to Bloodshower for 45 seconds, blacklisting!
[13:22:47:886] Best: DraeneiRuins, <2285.415, 1391.91, 1196.19>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False
[13:22:47:886] Best: DraeneiRuins, <2285.415, 1391.91, 1196.19>, IsHorde: False, LastPlayerCount: 4, IsDefault: False