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Question same as post title. Do you think it's better to sell gold from a lvl 1 character that you then immediately delete after the trade, or a higher level character?
This is when dealing with companies not private buyers.
you should get a vanilla acc... then just get some gold on the vanilla acc create some trader chars.. and after every trade you delete the chars again ..
btw as i experienced all vanilla's are getting ban after trade.
But my farmers avoid the ban always.
i think blizz have a suspicous level-gold(trade amount) limit
btw as i experienced all vanilla's are getting ban after trade.
But my farmers avoid the ban always.
i think blizz have a suspicous level-gold(trade amount) limit
The level of the character used in the trade makes no difference but the level of character on the account used does. e.g. a vanilla account with only level 1s is 10x as likely to be banned as an account with a level 85 on (even if you still sell from a level 1 on that account).
Deleting characters, guild bank deposits, and laundering gold through different accounts is pointless.
Funny thing is, dont you think it raises suspicions a character trading gold and then getting deleted straight away?
Everyone does this and then they wonder how they got banned...
Use imagination to make your gold sales, if you follow the sheep with their one trick poney, you will get caught because blizzard will know your just doing what every gold seller does.