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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010

Beta builds for Demonbuddy.
We will be using this to determine if a beta build is good enough to be pushed to as a regular build, feel free to help us test them and give good feedback.
When testing these builds, if you want to give feedback and help us improve it you should run them without any plugins or third party additions as they could introduce unexpected behaviors and bugs which isn't originally part of Demonbuddy.

Note: The beta now requires, "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013". you can download it here:
2013: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/6/2E61CFA4-993B-4DD4-91DA-3737CD5CD6E3/vcredist_x86.exe

.NET 4.5.1: Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Offline Installer)

Download here: BETA DOWNLOAD
Changelog 596
Bug fixes:
  * Core
    - Updated for (DB-134)
Last edited:
I noticed that you have included the questing profiles in this release, have they been updated?
Is the problem with not spending shards fixed yet? Many of us are concerned with this issue.
08:55:46.842 ERROR BotMain Exception during bot tick.
System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 1B0929B8, Size: 4
   at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
   at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
   at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](Boolean isRelative, IntPtr[] addrs)
   at Zeta.Game.ZetaDia.get_CurrentTime()
   at Zeta.Bot.BotMain.?????????????????????????????????????????()
   at Zeta.Bot.BotMain.????????????????????????????????????????()
08:55:46.853 INFO  ZetaDia Diablo III Exited, Demonbuddy terminating in 20 seconds.
View attachment 4076 2016-01-21 21.40.txt
When running keywarden profile over a dozen times when bot starts game there is good chance no key showing on map in each act and further more there will be no keywardens there.
But if I start the bot after I manually start the game there will always be normal map with key showing at waypoint of each act's map.
i'm getting this error when activating trinity in new db beta.

[Trinity 2.14.24] Error in OnEnable: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Trinity.Combat.Abilities.CombatBase' threw an exception. ---> GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.**‎‏*‬‬‫*‬**​​‫‪‬**‪*‏‏‬*‎‫*(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.‎‪*‏*‏*​‪*​*‪*​*‫*‪***‏‏**(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected[T](IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
at Zeta.Game.ZetaDia.get_TlsVal()
at Zeta.Game.ZetaDia.**‬‎‪‪‪*‫‪‬‏*‫​‪‪*‬*​***‏‎‬*.‬‪‎****‫**‏**‫‏‏‪***‪***‬‏‎*()
at Zeta.Game.Internals.DynamicPointer`1.get_Value()
at Zeta.Game.ZetaDia.get_ActorCommonData()
at Zeta.Game.Internals.ActorManager.‫‬*‬‫‪*‎‎‪‏‏‬‫‬‫​*‬‬‬*****()
at Zeta.Game.Internals.ActorManager.Update()
at Trinity.Helpers.MemoryHelper..ctor() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Helpers\MemoryHelper.cs:line 34
at Trinity.CacheData.InventoryCache..ctor() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Cache\CacheData.Inventory.cs:line 34
at Trinity.CacheData.InventoryCache.get_Instance() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Cache\CacheData.Inventory.cs:line 43
at Trinity.CacheData.get_Inventory() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Cache\CacheData.cs:line 164
at Trinity.Objects.Item.get_IsEquipped() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Objects\Item.cs:line 56
at Trinity.Objects.Set.IsBonusActive(Int32 requiredItemCountForBonus) in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Objects\Set.cs:line 96
at Trinity.Objects.Set.get_IsThirdBonusActive() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Objects\Set.cs:line 91
at Trinity.Objects.Set.get_IsFullyEquipped() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Objects\Set.cs:line 153
at Trinity.Combat.Abilities.CombatBase.LoadCombatSettings() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Combat\Abilities\CombatBase.cs:line 108
at Trinity.Combat.Abilities.CombatBase..cctor() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Combat\Abilities\CombatBase.cs:line 29
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Trinity.Combat.Abilities.CombatBase.LoadCombatSettings()
at Trinity.Trinity.LoadConfiguration() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Settings\Settings.cs:line 21
at Trinity.Trinity.OnEnabled() in c:\Games\DB\Plugins\Trinity\Plugin.cs:line 189
there were so many errors/issues i had to revert back to 593.. hope its handled soon.. keep up the good work
Had an update, logged in and this error came up: Installed latest beta to a new folder and got the same thing:

Diablo III is running but no build supported by Demonbuddy detected, was there a patch?

I know we had some downtime but was there an actual version change to that game client?
Had an update, logged in and this error came up: Installed latest beta to a new folder and got the same thing:

Diablo III is running but no build supported by Demonbuddy detected, was there a patch?

I know we had some downtime but was there an actual version change to that game client?

I don't think so, but I will say this I was running the bot this morning and all was going fine. Checked back a little while later and both of my bots were frozen, but still in game. Looked kind of awkward so I shut the bots down. They both came back to and every particle I did while it was frozen came back at once lol. Pretty sure it was a hot fix that updates during gameplay and it still fucked up the bot.
We know it's a patch.......just seemed odd it updated while I was in game. He was asking about a version change. So no need to tell anyone to calm down, it's a discussion board.
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