[14:51:30.3139] [Navigator] Generated path from <-664.4794, 6731.062, 158.4727> to <-677.6705, 6491.524, 171.5533> in 0 ms (0 seconds)
[2:51:43 PM:259] Wait 7 seconds and then accept battlefield port.
[2:51:50 PM:269] Activity: Accepting battlefield port...
[2:52:11 PM:316] Entered None.
[2:52:11 PM:326] Honorbuddy does not currently support the battleground None.
It stopped the program all together... No farming nothing. I had to reset HB.
[2:51:43 PM:259] Wait 7 seconds and then accept battlefield port.
[2:51:50 PM:269] Activity: Accepting battlefield port...
[2:52:11 PM:316] Entered None.
[2:52:11 PM:326] Honorbuddy does not currently support the battleground None.
It stopped the program all together... No farming nothing. I had to reset HB.