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Instead of playing a Timber Wolf and a Dire Wolf, that would have allowed my Iron Grizzly to trade with a Sen'jin Shieldmasta, it did the hero ability 2 dmg to opponent hero, when I could have had 2 minions on the board and 1 less minion on their side.
Also, the Timber Wolf was able to attack, and the opponent had a 0/1 Spirit Totem and HB said "No target for Timber Wolf" when it could have gotten rid of that +1 spell dmg totem.
I had a Tundra Rhino on the board, and played an Iron Grizzly and a Scavenging Hyena, giving both of them the ability to attack. From left to right my 3 minions attacked, but HB ended turn without attacking with Scavenging Hyena that could have gotten rid of one of the opponents totems.
Next, HB played a taunt minion that didn't have charge and couldn't attack, but then played Bestial Wrath on it, and ended turn, which made Bestial Wrath disappear and a waste of that card.
Next, the Scavenging Hyena could either attack a 2/1 Harvest Golem with Deathrattle, or a 3/1 SI:7 Agent and it chose the Harvest Golem, which made it just respawn another 2/1, when it could have gotten rid of the 3 dmg SI:7 Agent which would have been a better trade, because that SI:7 Agent could have been put back in the deck for another battlecry, and it would have been 1 enemy minion on the board instead of 2.