Hello Aazaroth, it really depend on your stuffs, there is no better config, there is a better config for you.
To try help i will explain StuckDetection a little, understand it function help config it.
CheckTimeInInstance: This is easy, it start a timer each time you enter a new zone, If you stay in that zone for longer than the time set, it do the StuckDetectionMethod. Remember that the timer is Reset, if you enter a new zone, even of the same kind.
CheckMovementBound: This option tick every 30 seconds, BoundsSnapshot is the number of time it will take your position (let say BoundsSnapshot: 4, this whole check will take 30sec.x4 = 120 sec to complete). If after the completion of the check, your char have not moved away from the rectangle delimited by MinBoundsX, MinBoundsY, it do the StuckDetectionMethod. ( do you remember getting stuck under the roof in City of Sarn? where you keep move a little and always get back to the same position? well, this check can detect it, while the next check, CheckPositionData will not.)
CheckPositionData: This option tick every 1 second, if your char is detected at the exact same position for the number of time selected with PositionThresold (PositionThresold: 25 = if you are in the same exact position for 25 seconds), it do the StuckDetectionMethod. Imagine you are killing a LifeRegen, ElementalResist rare mob and you do to low damage, it can take up to a minute to kill him, or even forever (if you live), this check will trigger and kick you out, but if you are stuck, but moving a little, this will newer trigger.
After Hoping for a few days that someone could have give me a perfect config for my bots, i learned that i need to dig information myself, understand, and think of my configuration.(i have 6 different config for my army of bots.)
I really hope this help someone.