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So I wanna buy some throwaway accounts (probanly 24/7 botting until banned), but what's the most effective thing I can bot?
Like farm mats, send it to my main account and sell it? Or either farming tmog and sending to main?
hey man so ive been banned 6 month got account back now but not running bots for a bit but I did come up with a 100 percent solution to keep your main safe
step one buy a laptop never log you main in on the computer
step 2 never buy game time with a bank card on botting account buy game cards
from the shops
step 3 you need to get a different internet connection to what you use on your main aswell
then you funnel the gold you make on your botted account through the auction house
this keeps your main account pretty much safe as
remember to make the auctions look real and also wouldn't help buying some randoms junk at times to make it seem real
Depends on how much time you have to setup everything, What your server market is like, How much you want to invest, and "Throw-away" accounts should pretty much last until big ban-waves if you are botting correctly. Even going 24/7 you can go months without getting banned.
Yeah I wouldn't put more then 5 accounts on the same IP / HWID. You can do more and get away with it but it could end up biting you in the ass later on.