setting the bot to return to a specified point is a great solution to not associating yourself with the other bots. Blacklisting the highest XP output in the area i feel isn't, unless you can play those fates by hand. My personal feeling is RebornBuddy isn't for afk leveling via fatebot at the moment, atleast without somewhat more support. Certain fates need change in positioning (etc. Eye), in the case of DD, the bot simply needs to stay throughout the fate chain and there should be an option to ignore mobs that aren't apart of fates. You can still use fatebot, and it works, although its slow. Personal experience, it took me approximately 3-4 hours to go from 31-32 on DK due to the bot trying to fight mobs on the way to fates. (would run away when low, heal, walk towards the fate, aggro random mob and fight through the duration of the fate.