As the title says what's the best way of transferring gold cross realm?
So let's say i have 2 characters, one on Defias Brotherhood and one on Outland (Which is be my farming account). So far i've been transferring my gold by buying pets on farming account "learning" them --> then creating alt on Defias Brotherhood (still on my farm account), and then caging them --> mailing them to my main.
Last time i checked on Defias Brotherhood AH there was like 1 of the pets for like 8k but on Outland AH there was like 20 of the same pets going for 2k cheapest. Are there any better ways of transferring gold cross-realm?
So far i've transferred my gold by buying pets and mailing them to my main (not sure how risky this is), need better ways because flooding AH with pets is quite "brow raising" and probably not the best way of transferring gold cross-realm.
So let's say i have 2 characters, one on Defias Brotherhood and one on Outland (Which is be my farming account). So far i've been transferring my gold by buying pets on farming account "learning" them --> then creating alt on Defias Brotherhood (still on my farm account), and then caging them --> mailing them to my main.
Last time i checked on Defias Brotherhood AH there was like 1 of the pets for like 8k but on Outland AH there was like 20 of the same pets going for 2k cheapest. Are there any better ways of transferring gold cross-realm?
So far i've transferred my gold by buying pets and mailing them to my main (not sure how risky this is), need better ways because flooding AH with pets is quite "brow raising" and probably not the best way of transferring gold cross-realm.