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well the comments i've read people are acting like their going 15-1 and murdering the sheet out of people... my guy just gets beat up plain in simple. at this very moment i'm 2-7. i know when i face a RL rogue and they just eat my lunch alive. so this just isn't murdering people like other comments praise it for.
another point i was just watching , it back stabs someone ... stands there for atleast 2 secs than it says your not facing the target.. he saps shit and runs, i even have hazzfollow on.. i didn't say it sucked and doesn't work in general... just not for me
try "Singular - Sub Rogue", it works perfect for me, i never try "JSub" as i heard it don't support poisons which is huge to me cause i don't understand how rouge pvp effectively without crippling poison, also for movement, i just use "Glue", and this is the only plugin i turn on when i'm doing bg, if it still doesn't work, maybe you should clean install and turn off some plugins cause most of us have no problem with sub rogue at all and it supposes to run perfectly
it works somewhat for me.. it just starts its routine and then says "spring" not sure wtf that means, I'm not 85 yet so not real worried about looking into it, I don't have poisons or using double daggers yet as i am a hemo build appose to backstab.