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Best practices for botting with multiple accounts


New Member
Sep 18, 2016
I want to bot again, but I don't really want to put my main on the line like I did in the past. I was wondering, what are the best practices for botting on the same computer and network, but with multiple accounts?

What I am going to do, or have done, to avoid detection:

I've already created a different battle.net account.
I am going to boost to 100 and then hand level to 110.
I am going to use a prepaid visa card to sub and pay for legion.
I am not going to 24/7 bot my alt account just to be safe and will monitor it until I get a path that I like and so on.

In the past I was on a school network and didn't really have to worry about my IP getting locked down. It was also at the end of Cata, so you know they probably didn't care as much. I hand played a lot as well, obviously it was my main.


1. How do you transfer the gold to your main without Blizz linking the accounts?
I have read a lot, long time lurker, and have come across people who make a guild with bank alts. Is that the best way to do it?​
2. Hardware ID/IP: Should I worry about this?
3. Should I use a VPN?

I am basically just curious about what everyone else is doing and couldn't find very accurate results through the search. If anyone has links to posts that are valuable then by all means point me in the right direction. That being said I have read the avoiding the banhammer guide, but it didnt answer the questions I had.

Thanks for your help, happy botting!

I was going to post exactly the same topic.
I am planning to run a VM with a VPN ... I heard it is the safest way to do it.
I was planning to have two gathering accounts in the VM and my main on the computer.
I was going to post exactly the same topic.
I am planning to run a VM with a VPN ... I heard it is the safest way to do it.
I was planning to have two gathering accounts in the VM and my main on the computer.

Haha, well glad the topic was brought up then! One thing that makes me skiddish about using HB again are the number of ban reports I have seen in the last three months. Back in Cata and even MoP they weren't close to that high. A lot of people at ownedcore, and some articles I have found on the web speak to HB not being secure as it once was. I know nothing is 100% and every bot is able to be detected, but has blizz figured out how to detect HB bots?

I get that some, most, of the bots in the banned forum were banned because they botted too frequently and they did not monitor it, but still there is no way those bots were all played poorly. Even the content they submitted with the ban report was like banned for 4 hours etc.

That aside: I love HB. I would not have anywhere near the amount of gold I do now on my main wow account without it. I think that the dev team is solid and they have always been great in supporting me when I was having issues. I'm just curious about the security of the bot and how not to be detected.
The one question asked here that i would LOVE an answer to is, how do you move gold from your botting account your main account without suspicion??
One way i've done it between my several account is through a guild bank. I've managed to build my guild up to 100 or so people so its a little less suspicious than just having my 5 bot accounts in the guild.
I will give my opinion, but take it for what its worth. Nobody has insight into blizz and what they are looking for, so its all speculation.

When I run 5 or more bots on the same computer at one time, they don't seem to last as long. I have lost a few accounts due to me manually playing them while my bots were running.

My setup now is I run 3 bots per machine, and never bot on my pc that I manually play on. I also do not let characters run for more than 8 hours without switching to new accounts. With my current setup I am running 9 bots at a time, three per machine, on 27 different accounts and they have all been running for weeks.

VPN and VM do nothing to protect you. I have had a little luck in running multiple installs of WoW, but I haven't been caught yet, so I don't know if that helps with bans or not. I have been busted while using both. IF you run 24/7 you will lose accounts.
completly bs, youre using 3 pcs and shuffle bots, wow, the vm will do the same and you dont need to shuffle, i was running 60 bots on 3 pcs in 60 vms on 30 ips. when the gms shut down naxx and gun drak, i switched to a private profile in ulduar, same amount of bots over 3 months, 0 banns until some realms were checked by hand. now just imagine what would have happened if id let these bots have botted on the host os, without vms it would take 2 days for blizzard to shut them down. i could have gone for about 200 bots on my 3 computers at that time with an unlimited nemesis session but figure out how long theyll survive. youll get the shutdown in a few hours/days if you go above 10 bots per pc/ip and then your computer is flagged. It depends at some point on the effort of gms, but once youre flagged theyll gonna hit you hard. Once you start using vms and different IPs, youll never get flagged.

And trust me I was massively botting for a few years. Everyone who says VMs and VPNs are bs is just a botting noob.
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1. Guild bank, yes.
2. When it's just one account, no.
3. Haven't ever had a need for this. Nor will you, since you're running 1 bot only.

Been running 5 bots with public profiles (Azyul, Halls of Lightning) for 3 months soon. If the servers are up, and Honorbuddy up to date, my bots are on.
Have been playing on main as well, while botting. So I've had 6 WoW accounts logged in and played at, at the same time on my PC.
Most of us agree that for just one or two bots, VM is overkill. If paranoia has set in, with only one machine available, you could always load VMware Workstation Pro and install a guest OS to do what you want. Just remember that it will eat up two operating systems worth of disk space and take a bite out of your available memory when its running. VMWare Workstation 12.5 Pro runs $250 and provided you are running a 64-bit OS and its at least Windows 7, you will be just fine.
One way i've done it between my several account is through a guild bank. I've managed to build my guild up to 100 or so people so its a little less suspicious than just having my 5 bot accounts in the guild.
THIS needs to be done if you are going to use a bot guild, you have to build it up so it looks like less of a bot guild and open up vendor repairs to like 200g or something don't me stingy, or I know some people that move it through the auction house you eat the cut of the AH but its supposed to be way safer, I hear that's how gold sellers do it mostly now because its the safest way to move gold, you list something for X amount of gold on your main account and buy it on your bot toon.
If it is just one bot I wouldn't worry about it too much honestly, but I always bot on a larger scale, so I'm a bigger fish to fry for blizzard.
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