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New Member
Dec 19, 2015
Hi there, I've been doing RMT for a couple year now, my first game that I did RMT was Archeage and then Path of Exile. I'm currently running 3 exiled bot on 3 crappy notebooks, I couldn't run them on vmware because my laptops suck. I've saved up about 3,000 usd in 2 years and I think I will use all this money to build my new PC that will be used mainly for running bots, I expect my new pc to run more than 5 bots at the same time for any game. I've no knowledge about hardware at all, but a lot of guys from many bot site recommended me to go with AMD.

Also what's the best game for botting right now? Poe is dying for me, it gives me 1 usd per 70 chaos in retail price because everyone in my country is moving to other new mmorpgs. The trading system in poe also sucks, there is no auction house and I've to do all the manual chat spam. But the ban rate is once per 3 months though, because everyone barely can see you botting, that's one good thing about this game.

If anyone would like to share your pc build or recommend me a very good build under 3,000$ you are free to post here, thanks!!!
For 3000$ you can build yourself 3x Semi powerfull pc's to bot with.
Wich is alot better then running tons of bots from 1, for obvious reasons.

When the time comes to buy it/them, send me a pm and ill help you build :)

As per wich game is profitable for RMT atm, got no clue.
I think you have to be botting more then one game to make some cash nowadays.
Or have multi bots on 1 game.

Agree with you on Path Of Exile, requires tremendous amounts of work to make any
" decent " money out of it.
botting for MMOs has gotten much, much more difficult over the last 5 years. Hell, I'd say even ten years has had a rough time.

If you want to know where the money is, look at where the players are. League of Legends makes up the greatest amount of players, far exceeding any MMO. That's also where all the money has moved to. Selling fresh level 30s, selling boosts for ranked, etc etc. Only problem is, LoL doesn't have much of a profit for botting. You have to actually play the game to make a profit. Likewise, CS:GO is bigger than WoW, and has massive profits if you know how to boost, gamble, or set up services. But again, not a game you can bot.

You can continue to bot to try and make money from, but you will need a lot of bots across various games. Never bot for just one game, because all it takes is a massive ban wave or a shitty expansion to kill all the eggs in one basket. Have 4 or 5 accounts going for WoW, 4 or 5 for PoE, bot in XIV, etc. Even then, the profits won't be extreme because the Chinese have absolutely fucked over all of the botting profits, but it'll still be a profit.

And for $3,000, do you want just a botting machine or a gaming machine as well? I'd suggest instead if you want to bot, get two desktops, each with an i5 4690 and 12GB of RAM, and a mediocre video card. Bots will be way more CPU dependent, you don't need a great video card to run a ton of bots. Spend the rest on a gaming desktop for yourself.