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This is a late response, but i'd say D3.
I have made 600 dkk which is roughly about 80-90 eu. And this is before you can sell cash, this was on high tier barb items.
If you asked this 6-12 months ago i would of said runescape.
But i haven't even been on the website for as long as i can remember,
wouldn't be surprised if runescape is dead.
Apparently there is always demand on runescape, its like the 2D WoW. The problem with newer mmos is that demand dies after a few months cause game is dieing/no use of in-game currency/game is overfamred/overbotted with no ban waves.
you may not have noticed, but Runescape is basically unbottable or at least very hard to do. They've really *****ed down on it, so I imagine that GP has gone up in real world value again.
poor OP he asked about what is the best game to make money on and he got an argument about runescape.
My answer would probably be diablo 3 because it is so new and there hasnt been a gigantic crash in the price of gold yet.
you may not have noticed, but Runescape is basically unbottable or at least very hard to do. They've really *****ed down on it, so I imagine that GP has gone up in real world value again.