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Please tell me, is there any really good cr for Mythic Blackrock Foundry? Any class is acceptable.
Good -- i mean you have at least 8/10 (M) cleared, using HB.
I think most of the paid CR works fine in Mythic raiding, generelly it's how u setup the settings. The basic settings are fine, but when u have to do specifics jobs u have to save some CD's etc, u have to set it up just right.
For exampel, all of Tuanha's work's fine, but u have to set it up right as DPS.
I cleared 8/10m on several characters using Tuanha Paladin for Ret, Tuanha Shammy for Resto and Superbad for Guardian Tanking. The most important thing is to control your own cooldowns. Other than that, they do just fine.