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Best Class to bot with?


New Member
Dec 7, 2011
Hey guys, I am about to bot a new character up to 85 just to make it my main herb/mining character. Which class do you guys think would be the best for farming efficiency wise. I was thinking of a tauren druid just because of instant cast mount form, no need to dismount for herbing and tauren for the faster herbing speed. Or even a DK/Pally for the extra mount speed bonus. So which class and race combination would be the most efficient assuming I purchase 310 speed for all characters??
Hey guys, I am about to bot a new character up to 85 just to make it my main herb/mining character. Which class do you guys think would be the best for farming efficiency wise. I was thinking of a tauren druid just because of instant cast mount form, no need to dismount for herbing and tauren for the faster herbing speed. Or even a DK/Pally for the extra mount speed bonus. So which class and race combination would be the most efficient assuming I purchase 310 speed for all characters??

From my personal experiences, I would go for tauren paladin.

Why? Tauren gather herb much quicker than any other class and paladin for speed buff and botting make Ret. Paladin so OP that it's not even funny.

I tried to mine with my tauren druid but it doesn't do very well with pvp gears.
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Thing is I want mining and herbing on the same character so which one do you think would be the best in general? Still tauren druid?

Oh and also, yea my friend botted 1-85 in less than a week with prot pally lol, so if its going to be DK/Pally I will pick pally. So my choices are really narrowed down to tauren pally / tauren druid.
I would go for tauren paladin. Why? Here's why:

I have two farming toon on different servers. Tauren Druid on illidan and human paladin on Kel-thudad something.

My tauren druid is level 84 and farm uldum with level 80-83 pvp/pve gears and is struggling with uldum NON-elite mobs.

My human paladin is level 82 and is in level 70 PVP gears and still can handle Mount Hyjal mobs with no issue.

Tauren is best if herb alone but with mining included, I would go for DK or paladin. Druid still have to get out of flight form to mine.

Yeah instant flight form is much faster to cast but paladin and DK's speed buff and plate wearing make it up and more.

Edit: forgot to add that DK and paladin can self heal.
I use my DK the most for farming. They don't die. I have one going in TH and one in Uldum. Both are forst, in PVP gear, and use Singular.