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beginning C# for cc developement


Mar 27, 2010
ok i am redoing this for honorbuddy 2.0 so here is the new deal all members in honorbuddy 2.0 must have the override command in their declaration such as

public override void combat()
// code goes in here
i will not explain what overriding is as that is a complicated and advanced topic of programming just accept that you have to do it period
beforewe begin i want to explain a few points of knowledge you may find usefull

this is from Microsoft they offer a lot of utilities to help you understand the language you are working with

alright variables are another item variables are declared singularly or in multiples you can only declare multiples of the same type

int var1 = 0,var2 = 12,var 3;
// a integer is a 32 character numeric variable meaning it can accept 32 numbers in it imagine variables as containers that you put whatever you want in them
bool useSpell1 = 0, useSpell2 = 1;
/*this is a boolean variable it has 2 values 0 which is false and 1 which is true and also accept these as overloads which means instead of you typing  bool useSpell1 = 0
you can instead type bool useSpell1 = false
string sayThis = "this is what i want it to say"
// a string is a alphanumeric variable meaning it accepts prettymuch any unicode character you can think of and if you reach the limit of string then your doing something horribly wrong
ok now in this simple priest routine we are going to use global scope. scope is the range in which you can use a variable.
Scope is very important because it can make or break a large program for what we are doing the overhead it creates keeping them all globaly
will not matter. scope is difficult to explain because you have to understand parent child relationships and is also altered by access modifiers public protected private so on and such.

to globally declare a variable it needs to be declared outside of a member and in the parent class.

using blah;
using blah1;
using blah2;
using blah3;

public class priest : CombatRoutine
    int var1 = 0; // <---- this is global

    public override void combat
        int var2 = 2; //<----- this is not global but because this member of the class is public the other members of this class can call this integer. point still is it is not global

    string strOutput = "i am global nuff said"

    public override void heal()

ok the string that is declared is still global because it is declared outside of any member and in the class.
I strongly suggest keeping all your variables in one area to avoid confusing spaghetti code (a mess of code strewn everywhere).
this will save you headaches if something goes wrong and this gets alot more complicated.

also keep in mind the best programmers are lazy programmers. why you may ask?
the answer is simple, because we want to do things as easily as possible with the least amount of code, while still keeping things well organized and dynamic.
hard coding is bad in my opinion if you are loading a method with a hard coded value your doing something wrong.
sometimes hard coding is unavoidable but it is rare and means most likely if you can not figure out another way you need to ask for help from a senior dev.

ok, so here is a crash course in c# development what you will need is:

MS Visual Studio C# express get it here - http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads/#2008-Visual-CS

patience and the ability to read.

ok to start lets start with a basic form open up vs go to file>new>project a window should appear select class library

after you have done that it will think do some other stuff and show a blank code space

alright on the right side of your screen you should see a item called solution explorer if you do not go to view and click solution explorer under that menu

ok this is the project file you are working on here and its elements . here there should be a gray looking folder that says references right click that folder. Select add reference and there should be tabs at the top of the popup window that appears. The 4th tab should say browse click it and direct the file picker to where you have honor buddy loaded.

there will be some ddl's there select those dlls using the ctrl button and then click ok.

Part 2

ok now to provide a basic template with the basic members that are required by honor buddy dont worry what members or methods are yet just go with it

code is coming patience
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Not to torpedo your efforts but...

1) Your talking about HonorBuddy, and posting in GatherBuddy's Forum :confused:

2) Look at this http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?2080-How-to-Write-your-own-Combat-Class and then start again ;)

While the link you quoted is ok, I think bloodlove is planning on adding alot more gurth to the guide as in, how to x or why x does x ect... It'll be good for those that actaully don't know what there doing like me.

@bloodlove take ya time, Am gonna keep checking back on this and see if it helps me.
This looks like it will be a good guide when he gets it done, I even dl'd the C# express so I am ready to go.
This looks like it will be a good guide when he gets it done, I even dl'd the C# express so I am ready to go.

Love the motivation

What I would like to see is a description of all the methods required to run a proper CC. I've seen there are sections for pulling, healing, attacking.. etc. The thing I'm not sure about is the basics of what is within a CC and what are the baseline methods and properties needed.
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Would it not be nicer to have them learn C before throwing them into C#.
I know C is not a required learning before going into the likes of C# or C++ but I was always told learning C even as a crash course meant for smoother and cleaner transitions into other derivatives of C.
Would it not be nicer to have them learn C before throwing them into C#.
I know C is not a required learning before going into the likes of C# or C++ but I was always told learning C even as a crash course meant for smoother and cleaner transitions into other derivatives of C.

While I agree with your comment, I must return that the avg CC only uses a very small part and is for most of repeated through out the CC with just slight changes (IE Spells) So just a basic crash course into How CC's are written and what method class object ect.. Is required, this would give people enough information for them to pick up and understand how the CC is written and Why x does x and not y. (Just my opinion thou)
c is useless when it comes to .net c# as the only thing it helps you with is a common understanding of data types and accessor types thats it which any anguage can do. understanding c con-volutes the ability to learn c# as you try to relate non relational information between the 2.
Ah okay fair enough.
I was always told to learn C before any of its derivatives which is what I camp currently doing but I suppose you guys are right and getting into C# or C++ briefly will not hurt. :)
updating for honrbuddy 2.0 will be redoing the .cs file template here in a few moments (bump)
you might as well learn Html, or Basic, or PHP, any other programing language, (yes i know html is a markup language) but all of them have the same basic principles.