I'm quite new to this bot but I already leveled a DK to 85 using kick's profiles.
Now I have a problem in instances. When the bot is running, I can't move my toon out of danger zones. I tried combatbot, grindbot, instancebuddy and even downloaded raid bot and tried it.
Is there a way to start/stop/pause the bot from within wow? Or is there any other way to move where I want while the bot is fighting?
Next question, party bot only works with 2 bots communicating, not with 1 bot and 1 manually played toon, is that correct?
I'm quite new to this bot but I already leveled a DK to 85 using kick's profiles.
Now I have a problem in instances. When the bot is running, I can't move my toon out of danger zones. I tried combatbot, grindbot, instancebuddy and even downloaded raid bot and tried it.
Is there a way to start/stop/pause the bot from within wow? Or is there any other way to move where I want while the bot is fighting?
Next question, party bot only works with 2 bots communicating, not with 1 bot and 1 manually played toon, is that correct?