Mainly, one of the major issues with it, is the fact that when you are moving up / down some of the daily zones at a "sprinting" speed, the bot think's you are falling, and causes you to end up pathing back and forth and cause some of the interact's to fail.
I've been doing some quest's which require Interacting with the target using the ObjectiveSpell ( Quest Item )
One of them requires the target to be dead, and it to be cast on there body.
The other is just on friendly NPC's
The problem with the dead body, i am unsure how to get the target unit, kill it, then use the item on it's body.
The other problem is with the code i've got here.
It will start casting then run off to the next before the cast is over (Possibly due to "is falling")
I've noticed by looking at the objref in VS Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.ProfileTags.Quest.CastObjectiveAbilityTag exist's, is it possible to get some clearer doc's on this? And also, can you make this able to actually have loigic to say "I need to kill X MobID then use the item on them"
Another problem / issue i'm having is having the bot move with teleport pad's. it seems to get confused once it goes down a pad, or up one ( possibly the sliding ) i've not posted the majority of the code here as i would not like to release it in it's current state...
Oh and perhap's the biggest issue we may face, I'm pretty sure the quest log flag's a daily as "Completed" or some variant of that, once you finish it the first time, so it may end up not being able to use just the IsQuestComplete(####) Condition.
And as a side note, i'm on a few three day trial type key's, i've played wildstar at a semi no life level, and been a buddy fan for year's just not having a lot of fund's to throw around recently, not trying to sound pushy or anything, just wanted to let it be known of my timeline.
Thank's again!
I've been doing some quest's which require Interacting with the target using the ObjectiveSpell ( Quest Item )
One of them requires the target to be dead, and it to be cast on there body.
The other is just on friendly NPC's
The problem with the dead body, i am unsure how to get the target unit, kill it, then use the item on it's body.
The other problem is with the code i've got here.
<Interact QuestId="7082" QuestObjective="0" RunOnce="true" CreatureId="34021" CreatureName="Surveillancebot" MapId="1658" X="-28338.8945" Y="-744.545166" Z="-29087.8359" />
<InputAction Action="CastObjectiveAbility" />
<Wait QuestId="7082" QuestObjective="0" Time="6"/>
It will start casting then run off to the next before the cast is over (Possibly due to "is falling")
I've noticed by looking at the objref in VS Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.ProfileTags.Quest.CastObjectiveAbilityTag exist's, is it possible to get some clearer doc's on this? And also, can you make this able to actually have loigic to say "I need to kill X MobID then use the item on them"
Another problem / issue i'm having is having the bot move with teleport pad's. it seems to get confused once it goes down a pad, or up one ( possibly the sliding ) i've not posted the majority of the code here as i would not like to release it in it's current state...
Oh and perhap's the biggest issue we may face, I'm pretty sure the quest log flag's a daily as "Completed" or some variant of that, once you finish it the first time, so it may end up not being able to use just the IsQuestComplete(####) Condition.
And as a side note, i'm on a few three day trial type key's, i've played wildstar at a semi no life level, and been a buddy fan for year's just not having a lot of fund's to throw around recently, not trying to sound pushy or anything, just wanted to let it be known of my timeline.
Thank's again!