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Battlenet accound or just wow accound banned?


New Member
Sep 7, 2012
If i boting on just my second wow accound wow2 but on the 1st not,
Will the wow1 be banned as well if wow2 got banned if both be on the same battlenet accound?
same question. as far as I know, unless these accounts are interrelated, blizz won't ban your "wow1", but I may be wrong.
If i boting on just my second wow accound wow2 but on the 1st not,
Will the wow1 be banned as well if wow2 got banned if both be on the same battlenet accound?

If theyre connected to the same bnet account they will both be. There have been a lot of reports of people with wow accounts not linked by bnet accounts also getting banned. They can track you through the name on the account, billing info (we think), IP/mac addresses. but who knows, people using pr0xys and virtual machines are getting the hammer too :/

I would say bnet link = 100%, non linked = probably not, but possibly
^^" I tested it hard!! jsut to look...
I used a new starter accound stand in or to sell gold xD 2 days 48h!!
on the same bnet accound whit a wow bettlechest accound !!!
just the wow2 got banned wow1 still is playable!!!

till the wow2 was posting wow1 was questing 48h!
wow3(starteraccound as well 13h played) got banned as well posting too for gold in OG while wow1 (run atm 63h) questing!

wow1 (questing since 63h non stop whit out the servermaintance) STILL PLAYABLE
wow2 (Spamming in OG to sell 48h non stop whit out the servermaintance) BANNED after 48h
wow3 (Wispering players to sell told non stop whit out the servermaintance 13h) BANNED after 13h
wow4 (grinding since 63h non stop whit out the servermaintance) STILL PLAYABLE

All started to the same time!
and on my second pc are my main accounds running as well ^^
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i had 2 mains get hit one NEVER saw a bot, other i learned to use HB on it never actually did any real botting..I think IP bans are more real than we tend to believe and also, if you are running a bot account and a non bot account on the same pc, they can see MAC address and when scanning memory like they state they do they see HB running with WOW i believe they can shut them all down..just my opinion after my bans..
they dont ban by ip.
I bot all of my accounts from the same IP but here in the us our IP's are leased to us we get an ip for 2-3 days and it changes to manually change my ip i can reset my router.
Imagine if you were at a college and played wow and your account got banned because others with that same ip were botting, they dont ban by ip.

i have several battle nets all with several wows on them. maybe wow 4 will get suspended but not wow 1 wow 2 or wow3. they just ban the one that was botting.

i dont bot stupid or crazy like some of your posts running it 24/7 that is just begging for a ban. bot a set ammount of time that you could actually as a human being actually play.

My question is why would anyone bot to whisper and sell stuff. why not link the accounts with raf and then have levels to grant and bonus xp?

bot to earn golds and gear and rep and xp but not to harass other players. bot to get ahead not noticed.
i was begging for a bann to see what gona be banned ^^

wow1 (questing since 93h non stop whit out the servermaintance) STILL PLAYABLE
wow2 (Spamming in OG to sell 48h non stop whit out the servermaintance) BANNED after 48h
wow3 (Wispering players to sell told non stop whit out the servermaintance 13h) BANNED after 13h
wow4 (grinding since 93h non stop whit out the servermaintance) STILL PLAYABLE