I have just written a basic stats plugin that sends data to a site of mine so i can see what my bots are doing when i am at work and this method Battlegrounds.GetHonorCurrency just returns 0 all the time. I can get all the other level/xp/deaths etc data just fine.
The other method I was using, Battegrounds.GetBattlefieldTimeWaited also only returns 0.
I was just wondering if these are implemented or am I missing something? I am just calling it like
int x = Battlegrounds.GetHonorCurrency();
The other method I was using, Battegrounds.GetBattlefieldTimeWaited also only returns 0.
I was just wondering if these are implemented or am I missing something? I am just calling it like
int x = Battlegrounds.GetHonorCurrency();