We have determined that the World of Warcraft account ####### has been accessed/compromised by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use).
To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled this account. Any recurring subscriptions have been suspended to prevent further monetary charges. In order to regain access to the account, you must complete the steps below to secure the account and your computer.
Before we can restore access to this account, we must first verify that you are the registered player on the account. Please complete the Account Recovery Form (Battle.net Account Verification Form - Battle.net Support), follow the instructions in the form, and then submit, fax, or mail the form and required identification as directed.
Banned. Using Kicks Deepholm probably my fault went to girls house for two house forgot about WoW.
Don't bot long, been just AFKing Archaeology lately, but thats it. Filled out https://us.battle.net/account/support/account-recovery.html recieved password reset but no ticket information and do not have any active tickets.
On another note, I also bought some SOR unmerged accounts, about 5 of them planned to merge them all onto one account just didn't have the chance to. They are all banned.
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