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New Member
Oct 29, 2012
Hey guys :)

my acc was just perma closed, but the reasoning wasnt botting or whatever, im curious as to whether or not i should dispute, if its because of HB i wont even bother, but the email they sent was a little strange! here it is below

Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs ("Hacks")

This account was closed because one or more characters were identified using an unauthorized cheat program, also known as a "hack." These programs provide character benefits normally not achievable in the World of Warcraft. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. Use of these unauthorized programs harms the game environment because they offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment.

anyway! if someone could get back to me and let me know if its worth disputing the permaban that would be great.

if not, i'd just like to say that your product was fantastic and made my time playing sooo much better because i didnt have to do the boring stuff!! will forever <3 HB!

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?


2)If so, when was the last time?:

approximately 1pm GMT+10

3)What profile were you using?:

Mega MoP gather profile

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

Tauren Balance Druid

5)What plugins are you using?:


6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:


6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?


7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

none, always sold in trade or CoD

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


9)Was your account involved in gold selling?


10)EU or US realm?

US - Oceanic - Barthilas

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

Paid Account

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Honestly the content of the appeal doesn't seem to matter recently, i just got my main accs back (2/4 of them anyway) by saying I am not sure what I was banned for, was just playing and said I was banned, can you look into this for me? try it out, but dont go too crazy after 2-3 times they close it perm if the dont give you it, after the first maybe try and ask someone with alot of exp to help out.
i believe it to be true, i just got a perma ban as well, been botting since 2009 never had a warning of suspicious activity, i think they are going hard now, im not going to go back and start over again, i worked to hard on all my toons, goodbye blizzard, hopefully elderscrolls online comes out soon
If there were a banwave there would be hundreds -> thousands go in one fell swoop. They were probably collecting information and then confirmed it with a GM presence. Happened back in Glider days (GM popped up moved you around etc (not saying that happened to you !)
it looks like they just changed template, and "hacks" is now automated ban that was previously "eco"
any 1 know how can i get ban for bot reason and when they ban me to don't say '''Abuse of Economy'' to get ban for! bot not for gold sell^^? THX>
I have had 2 accounts banned. One was Saturday night and the other was yesterday. My main account which was banned yesterday I was doing some light farming while I was watching 100%. Do I think there is a ban wave? I believe so sue to the accounts being really cheap atm. Why not try and make some extra money. Now I said fuck it and went to GW2 so Blizzard isnt getting my money.
That ban is for botting mate.
"one or more characters were identified using an unauthorized cheat program"
"but are NOT limited to, increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries"

highlighted the NOT

you used 3rd party program to give you benefits not avaible to other players. The is not only increased speed, teleportation, avoiding wall collision"

They dont want to give to many clues on why you get banned, because why would they want you to learn from the mistakes you've made that got you caught. That's why this message is so general. :) Hope it helps you understand you unfortunate situation

some people sell un-banning services try look that up and decide for yourself if its worth the shot for you. It really depends on how much the account means for you.

you got banned for botting. look up un-banning service if your account is precious for you
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If there were a banwave there would be hundreds -> thousands go in one fell swoop. They were probably collecting information and then confirmed it with a GM presence. Happened back in Glider days (GM popped up moved you around etc (not saying that happened to you !)

This is a misconception. I have seen companies do this before in the past, where they stagger bans out on detection to not tip off the hat of the bot makers to look and see what the detection was. There are a TON of bans right now, and I am testing a theory out. Will create an account, level manually, then bot 1 hour a day, and see when/if I get banned.