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Banned today


New Member
Mar 3, 2010
Hi all,

This isn't a QQ, just posting info in case it can be useful to someone.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Yes, both

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Release

3)If so, when was the last time?: Last night

4)What profile were you using?: Jade forest mining and herb, slightly modified.

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default hunter

6)What plugins are you using?: none

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: I bot a lot 10-12 hrs most days

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? Depends. certain times of days and activities I monitor closely, others I afk. Maybe 60%.

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: Just started using TSM to work the AH on two professions, so a couple hundred.

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? No.

12)EU or US realm? US Ghostlands

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid main account from '09


ps.and ofc tell us if its a suspension or a ban

*thx CodenameG and for the idea and the creation
niallr and christiantroy for suggestions
and Hawker for the edits

Anyway, here's the e-mail I got...


Account: -------------------
Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, and hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.

Blizzard reserves the right to terminate access for conduct of this nature, with or without warning, as noted in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use:
Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use

This page contains details on how suspensions are appealed and reviewed:
How to Appeal Suspensions and Closures - Battle.net Support

Blizzard Entertainment

And here is my appeal ticket reply, I'll update when I learn if I get it back or not.

Hi there,

My account was banned today and I'm not sure why. I'm happy to answer questions about my activities in game, but I would need to know about what specifically. I'm a disabled veteran and suffer from severe insomnia, so I spend a lot of time online. Most of it in game. The only things that come to mind that may have triggered this is 1) I sometimes get into tiffs with other players when farming mats. A lot of the less mature players seem to take it personally when you are in "their area". But I doubt that's unique at all. 2) I just recently started using the add on "Trade Skill Master" to start boosting my personal economy in game. Everything I read states it's a legal add on, with lots on testimonials and recommendations on the Blizz forums themselves. So I would be confused if that were the reason.

I can assure you I'm a real live player, and I would appreciate having my account back. Thanks for looking into this for me, hopefully this can be resolved as I have put a great deal of time into this account.
Annd... resolved in quick fashion. lol...

This is the latest response from Customer Support:
Thank you for contacting us concerning the recent action taken against the World of Warcraft license --------. After a thorough review of the circumstances involved in this action, the license will be reopened after a 72 hour suspension.

Please take a few moments to look over the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:Battle.net Terms of Use), as we take matters involving the integrity of the game environment very seriously. If another incident of this nature arise in the future, it is possible that a different outcome will be reached which may include License Closure.

Thank you for your continued correspondence. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us: Battle.net Support

Wrist... consider yourself slapped.
Conversion to a 72 hour suspension from a first time auto ban is standard... sorry to let the wind out of your sails. You could pretty much write anything to them and they'll overturn the ban on a first offense.
You guys really can't help yourselves can you. lmao!

Once again... posted the above for info only. I wasn't confused on how it happened. I wasn't bothered that it happened. I wasn't stupid and posting mats I farmed, and no wind was let out of anything because I had no expectations one way or the other. I've been through it all before. Too funny.
If you don't want responses to something, try not posting stuff on a forum?
If you don't want responses to something, try not posting stuff on a forum?

Excellent logic, lets follow that line for a moment... Better yet, lets narrow it down a bit since you were quite generalized; and I didn't just happen on a random forum and tried to dictate it's function.

What Forum did you post to? The Ban Section sub forum.

Why post on this forum? To post my particular ban information.

Why would you do such a thing? Because the developers of the bot set aside a specific area of the forum in order to receive ban information.

Why on earth would they do this? Just a guess, but I'd have to say that frequency and circumstance of bans involving their program would be valuable to them.

Pshh. That's just silly talk! What could they possibly learn from this "info"? 1) An increased frequency in bans could indicate new detection abilities by the product being subverted. 2) The info could also indicate if the user base is merely being careless or if there are indeed improved detection abilities. 3) posting the detailed info could also aid bot users in avoiding detectable behaviors.

Yeah right. How are they ever going to get people to post soo much detailed info? By using a standardized form that highlights the information needed... similar to the one I'm trolling on now... /end sarc.

It's amusing as hell to me that you're having difficulty with this... and trying to be lippy about it. LMAO!

Oh, and for the sake of technical clarity, I never said nor implied that I did not want responses. Where on earth did you infer that nonsense from. I stated I was posting for info only. You know, so people wouldn't confuse my post for ones with questions like: "how did this happen" in them. I thought I covered my bases with that, but I'm reminded that I sometimes give too much credit to some internet users.

Sorry for trollin guys, he's just making it irresistible. :cool: