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Banned today, March 9th


New Member
Aug 13, 2011
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?:


2)If so, when was the last time?:


3)What profile were you using?:

Profile I made myself for mining/herbing across multiple zones. It's a path I've never seen anyone else use.

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:


5)What plugins are you using?:

LogMeOut, TidyBags, MrItemRemover, Blacklister

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:


6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

Less than 10%, checked back often though

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

~250 on average

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

Goldfarming, yes. But this account was never used as a broker.

10)EU or US realm?


I just want to say this, even knowing that I will be ridiculed. And before I do, let me just say that I believe in this bot's devs and that they have made a very good product. That being said, I believe this had something to do with the stealth patch yesterday. I have 2 bots that do the exact same thing. One was banned, one wasn't. The one that was banned was botting right after the stealth patch, and the bot automatically shut off when the devs released an update as a response to the patch. I was banned for hacks, and I didn't use any. Why would I be banned for hacks unless it detected some sort of 3rd party program attached to WoW? The one that wasn't banned didn't bot until last night, long after the update. Yes, I probably should have waited before botting after the stealth patch. Big mistake. That's why I believe I was banned.
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NPH , Repetetive pathing ,Player Report ,GM spotting etc. etc. Have you ever gone into the achievement tab in WoW ? Blizz tracks amount gold,kills,deaths, you get the idea .A simple script could easy weed out most bots ..So lets not jump in the detection bandwagon there pal .Another thing flagged IP ... Have a great day and sorry for your lost.
6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

Less than 10%, checked back often though

Good luck with that.
Believe what the OP says is true Blizzard have done something that is weeding botters out.

I would hope the devs are working to find out what it is/protect us more against bans.
NPH , Repetetive pathing ,Player Report ,GM spotting etc. etc. Have you ever gone into the achievement tab in WoW ? Blizz tracks amount gold,kills,deaths, you get the idea .A simple script could easy weed out most bots ..So lets not jump in the detection bandwagon there pal .Another thing flagged IP ... Have a great day and sorry for your lost.

Ok, then why weren't my other bots banned? This was the only one that ran right after the restarts on Tuesday, and then bam, it's banned for hacks. That means they detected a 3rd party program interfering with WoW. I understand that there are many reason for being banned, but you seem to have ignored my evidence. I've been botting since the beginning of glider. I know how this works.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

Less than 10%, checked back often though

Good luck with that.

Sarcasm is just rude. I read the logs after I run the bot 100% of the time. I would know if something went wrong or was out of the ordinary. Nothing had ever happened on this account. No whispers, no stucks, nothing. In fact, the other account has been reported a few times that I know of, gotten stuck on numerous occasions, and was used as a broker for gold selling. Explain why that account is still around and this one isn't. And luck isn't a very useful response to that question. It tells us nothing. I run a LOT of bots. It would be a VERY big coincidence if this account was just banned randomly given all of these conditions.

Look, if you guys want to just ignore the evidence because you think that I'm just blowing a lot of smoke or trying to insult your beloved devs, then you can take your sarcasm and useless information elsewhere. It's quite likely I've been in this game longer than you. I know the risks, and I've paid my dues on numerous occasions. But if you think that I'm going to ignore strong evidence that WoW might've detected one of my bots, you're mistaken. You're blinding yourself to the possibility because you're sentimentally attached to this program. That's just facts.

Believe what the OP says is true Blizzard have done something that is weeding botters out.

I would hope the devs are working to find out what it is/protect us more against bans.

I think they already know about it and that they have patched it, otherwise my other bots would've been banned too. It's just a warning for my fellow botters that this program isn't as invincible as they might like to believe. What you should take away from this is perhaps don't bot on days with server restarts. Take it or leave it.

EDIT: And before someone else responds with malicious intent, I have no issue with this bot. The purpose of the ban section is to inform so that others might have the information necessary to avoid bans themselves, is it not? So if you don't agree with me, you don't have to adhere to my advice. That's all it comes down to.
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7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

~250 on average

I think that this actually gave you away. to have ~250 AH per day (250x20) is a bit overboard for "normal" player, dont you think? Personally if i would see ton of auctions from same person i would think two possible reasons:

1.) Hes really crazy/insane or extremely bored to farm that much items without getting bored ingame.. And any of that is simply not possible, which would led me to think next reason,
2.) Bot.

Dont get me wrong, but you simply overflowed auction house and rise a flag, at some point most definetly your auctions and your name next to it will be taking a huge chunk on the AH.

Also, security on US servers is much tighter than on EU servers, so you should not go so much overboard. Now, if you think that im wrong, think about it and tell me is it normal to post ~250 AH per day?

For instance me, i had extreme botting sessions with 24hours per day, 8 days straight and i never got caught, not once, my bot supervision was/is less than 5% and im still going. As for profiles, i use ALL public ones with a bit of mix via aRelog sessions.
For instance i log charr A for 3hours and hes on farming mode, after that logout for random time up to 15mins, after which charr B (healer/tank - enchanter) is online, doing up to 3 dungeons, logging our for up to 15min, charr C comes online which will do some daily quests, log out, pause, log back in charr A.
This is all simply done via aRelog session manager, every day starting different sessions.

BUT everything that i farm/skin/herb/mine im sending to several of my alts and putting never more than 20 auctions per day per character. Also i always do a fair undercut (for some epic gear i even go for 1k undercut) so it will attract buyers asap and get removed of the AH.
I think that this actually gave you away. to have ~250 AH per day (250x20) is a bit overboard for "normal" player, dont you think?

My thoughts exactly when I saw how many auctions per day. I won't exceed more than 25 on a legit day.
250 auctions per day is easy to obtain if you use an addon like auctionator/auctioneer to post for you. Could be lots of cloth,items,etc people are trying to sell. 1000+ is a little bit more bottish lol.
My thoughts exactly when I saw how many auctions per day. I won't exceed more than 25 on a legit day.

go check undermine journal brah? Loads of people posting 500-1000+ auctions a day for months and nothing has happened to them.
go check undermine journal brah? Loads of people posting 500-1000+ auctions a day for months and nothing has happened to them.

I agree with that, but, on other side the question is "what did he had on AH?" and i wont even ask are those people "AH playas" or bots.
Also, keep in mind that hes on US servers, and we all know that security there is more strict than on EU. I keep it mixed, some herbs/ores/gems and cloth. If you have ~5 pages on AH in specific category (f.i. Herbs) with just your stuff, dont you think that that looks quite odd? Also, security pays a lot attention to player reports, he might got reported and all that GMs have to do is pull out logs, ~250AH per day of gathering stuff would look suspicious. They would, f.i. see that hes kept earning gold and adding new stuff to AH, thus hes not buying it out from private vendors, hes kept farming them and farming that much per day is not humanly normal.

Also, as i said, having ~250AH per day, you cannot possibly sell them out all in one day so he might end up overflowing specific categories on AH (f.i. post ~150 stacks of herbs and ~50 stacks of ores, he sells out ~50 stacks of herbs and ~20 stacks of ores, so he end up with 100/30 which are left on AH and adds new ones out, topping them and constantly increasing their numbers on AH). Keep in mind that were talking about possible STACKS (x20).

He says that he wrote profiles him self (check)
He says that he never used any other bot (check)
He says that he used few fairly good addons for security (check)
He says that he wasnt Gold broker (check)
He says that he was FARMING 8-12 hours per day (wrong)
He says that he had ~250 average AHs per day (worng)
He says that he monitored bot less than 10% (i havent counted this in, but its wrong also)

Lets do light math here, after 8days he would have ~2k (40 pages) auctions of his own on AH (8x250=2k aprox, give or take), lets say ~1k auctions in specific tabs if he was mining/herbing only and that kept increasing exponentially.
Now, lets be a bit generous here and say that he sold out ~1k auctions in that time, which leaves him with ~1k active auctions (even possible stacks) and that number kept increasing on daily basics.

So, if all that he says is true, as i see it, last two ones are most possible cause for ban, only possible reason beside that is that, if he was on PvP server, he was simply ganked for some time, and gankers noticed pattern in combat behavior (eating after ressing/or below certain %HP to max out) so they figure out that he was a bot and reported him.

Competition on AH is big one, and it functions like in RL, if you try to hustle in between "AH playas", you will rise competition, few eyebrows and hostility towards you.

TBH, with that much stuff, i would rather go as private vendor, or try to sell 50%-60% to private vendors and rest post on AH, you cant squeeze a max profit out of it, but your'e keeping it low profile, which is one of most important things when boting.

Let me tell you about the case that my friend had.

My friend was normal player but he likes to play AH as much as we like to kill some epic boss, that was his love and he enjoyed in it. For few days he undercutted some bloke for various maths and some rare/epic items, doing his "playing." After some time, that same bloke /w him with bunch of rude and stupid shit, he also promised him that he will never win one AH again. He decided to add him as friend and he noticed that that rude bloke was online constantly and constantly undercuts him few mins after his auctions were posted. For few next days he kept monitoring how long that bloke was on and posted random stuff for low price, just to test how low undercutting would go. He also, to be sure, /wisp him few times with polite questions with possible deals, bloke never replied. He, by then, knew that his a bot looking at number of auctions, how much that character is on and ignoring him with good deals.
All that being said, he made a devious plan, he logged in the middle of the night, posted one stack of everything that that bloke had on AH for 1g per stack. Few mins after that that bloke undercuted him for 99s. My mate instantly started buying out as much as he could, when he was done he reported that bloke for boting. Since that day, that rude bloke was never logged again.

Now, i got far into details here, so im sorry, i just wanted to explain why do i think that those ~250AH's per day are most probably reason for ban.
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I sell Glyphs. If I don't have 300+ auctions a day i'm borked. It's like an undercutting war out there! I'd be less inclined to think that was the main contributing factor.