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- Apr 29, 2013
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lol you might get a lugh out of this..
Been banned on over 62+ accounts now, and lets just say i have never ever had 1 single ban turned aruond into suspension. Yet i try every time.
SO i will be short and sweet.
After botting aggressivly for about 4 months, i actually LOST money i was banned so fast. So, i took a little 2 month break off of the botting scene and found a new way of making gold in game ( 300k a week atleast ) and Just decided to make 3 new bot accounts 2 weeks ago. So, i leveld them and thm to 85 and away i went.
i botted maybe 2hrs a day for the first week, which went great! Then bot acc #1 got banned.
Last week, i was banned and Received this
My Reply
My Reply
GM Reply
Shortyly after my Victory, i came here and posted a " BANNED " Topic on this forum, and posted my EXACT words (only) in what i had said to get the Suspension overturned so that people may use it for future reference.
Not 1 day goes by and i received
---- Obviously i replied and said What the fuck? are you kidding me? and you cant possibly do this it doesnt feel legal blah blah blah.. and today i got
So, quite clearly theres plenty of GM's trolling around these forums, maybe a simple "Copy and Paste" of my exact Initial Reply lead them directly to me..
Proceed with caution my friends!!
( Bot account 2 was just banned last night... even though i havent played him for a single day - go blizzard! )
Been banned on over 62+ accounts now, and lets just say i have never ever had 1 single ban turned aruond into suspension. Yet i try every time.
SO i will be short and sweet.
After botting aggressivly for about 4 months, i actually LOST money i was banned so fast. So, i took a little 2 month break off of the botting scene and found a new way of making gold in game ( 300k a week atleast ) and Just decided to make 3 new bot accounts 2 weeks ago. So, i leveld them and thm to 85 and away i went.
i botted maybe 2hrs a day for the first week, which went great! Then bot acc #1 got banned.
Last week, i was banned and Received this
Account: WOW1
Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software
Blizzard Entertainment has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.
These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, and hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.
My Reply
I want to appologise first of all, i just came back to wow, and my buddy had told me about this program that would help me make gold.. and i used it and not for very long and didnt even make anything, and when i asked him he told me that it was legal and legit to use, and apparently it was not.
I appologize because i was stupid and careless =( i dont want to have to level from 1 again and would really like a 2nd chance to sh!ow you that i am not a cheater, my mistake was wreckless and stupid and i have learned from it. and can only hope that you allow me to keep my account
This is the latest response from Customer Support:
Hello there!
This is the first time we've actioned you for this, it's only a suspension, so rest assured that it will expire and you can login again.
However, the action was correct and it will not be overturned and the suspension will turn it's course in three days.
It's unfortunately that it had to come to this, but botting is against the policy and something that is dealt with strongly, and further actions will result in a ban.
Game Master Zknoutu
My Reply
Thank you very much for showing me lieniency with my mistake, you truely are a GM of wow.
GM Reply
Thank you for your kind words. I am really glad to hear that you understand the reasons behind our actions and I'm sure you won't make the same mistake again.
I wish you the best of luck with your future adventures ingame!
Shortyly after my Victory, i came here and posted a " BANNED " Topic on this forum, and posted my EXACT words (only) in what i had said to get the Suspension overturned so that people may use it for future reference.
Not 1 day goes by and i received
After re-evaluating the actions on the account we discovered an error in handling the case - and the initial adjustment of the ban towards a 72 hour suspension was an error on our side.
Based on the facts I have reinstated the account closure, and the wow account is now again permanently closed once again.
Please note, it is our policy never to reveal details regarding account investigations, beyond the information given in the original notice mail, for privacy and security reasons.
We now consider this matter closed, and would not look to enter into further communication on the matter.
If you wish to review our current Rules and Policies, they can be found at:
---- Obviously i replied and said What the fuck? are you kidding me? and you cant possibly do this it doesnt feel legal blah blah blah.. and today i got
've reviewed your account and the actions taken against it. While it was nice of the original Game Master to overturn the closure of your account and change it into a suspension it was unfortunately incorrect. Your account closure should never have been overturned in the first place and the decision to change the suspension back to a closure is correct.
It's regrettable that this kind of decisions have to be made, but it's in the interest of the game and the community as a whole that we try to minimize the negative impact bots and cheating has on the game.
I will not be able to overturne the closure once more or give you access back to the account.
So, quite clearly theres plenty of GM's trolling around these forums, maybe a simple "Copy and Paste" of my exact Initial Reply lead them directly to me..
Proceed with caution my friends!!
( Bot account 2 was just banned last night... even though i havent played him for a single day - go blizzard! )