Hey was banned on my main account today in the morning just after i logged out of my rogue that i used to farm junkboxes and logged into another char and there i got the ban hammer. and got email that i was banned because of abuse of the economy , i was just waiting for that ban because ive been botting 24/7 for a month
well when i got the ban i thought what the hell ill try calling them and cry a little
asked why i got banned and such and they said they would contact me later after looking in to it. After 10min i got a mail that my account was unlocked and they were sorry because they didnt find anything suspect except that i played pretty long hours in a row. and actually told me to take a break from time to time >_> Dunno if this has anything to do with it getting banned but botted on a SoR account for maybe 4-5 days 24/7 3 days ago. Had a little pee in my pants when i saw that i was unbanned