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Banned =o


New Member
Dec 10, 2011
got banned today, got scammed for 10k they refused to do ANYTHING, waited 24+ hours because i heard that they scan you for 24 hours after a scam report, started up my bot, went for a piss came back was banned, not really impressed, put in a ban appeal saying my 10 year old cousin was playing for me as i took the dog for a walk, they said that they knew there was 3rd party hacking programs on my computer?! how is this even legal. :( should i call em and make up some other story orr..? just wait my 72 hours =.= this is truly the end to my botting seeing as they knew i had programs on my comp for it
They didn't "know".

They were just bullshitting you.

Keep appealing.
for them to say they knew! that in turn is an illegal offence, accessing your pc without consent is well just liek phone hacking, call them back and ask them to say one way of another if they knew of not and make sure it recorded play them at there own game :-)
Email i recieved

Offense: Unapproved Third Party Software

A third party program is any file or program that is not a part of the World of Warcraft software, but is used to gain an advantage in the game, such as increasing your movement speed or teleporting from one place to another beyond what is allowed by game design. It also includes any programs that obtain information from the game that is not normally available to the regular player or that transmit or modify any of the game files. Normally, this classification does not include UI modifications, except those UIs that require an external application to function. Any external applications that are used in conjunction with World of Warcraft can cause quite a few unwanted side effects. Some of the major possible results of the use of third party programs can be instability of the game to the point that a player "crashes" from the game quite often. External programs can also be used to transmit viruses, spyware, and other unwanted programs into a player's computer. Third party programs can also be used to obtain information from the player's computer, such as account, password, and personal information.

the email i got from them..
They most likely don't keep records that well of appeal requests on banned accounts.
They might, but who really cares.

It's already banned.
They can either say yes or no.
If they say no, try and try again.
It's legal because you signed their ToS. Although, punk buster got sued for taking screenshots/reading file hashs without clearing prompting the user. It was in like the 3000th line of their ToS
It's legal because you signed their ToS. Although, punk buster got sued for taking screenshots/reading file hashs without clearing prompting the user. It was in like the 3000th line of their ToS

I believe it goes something like this (of course dumbed down sentences)

We may look at your computers Random Active Memory (RAM) (which is essentially where the running programs are stored on your computer)
We may not send any information of what they find in your RAM back to the blizzard server unless they are 10000% sure it is a Bot/Hack/Third-Party WoW Accessing program.

Then the only information we may send to our servers is public information about your system (IE: IP Address) and other WoW related information ONLY (Account Name, Character, etc).

Correct me if I am wrong in some way please.

I believe it goes something like this (of course dumbed down sentences)

We may look at your computers Random Active Memory (RAM) (which is essentially where the running programs are stored on your computer)
We may not send any information of what they find in your RAM back to the blizzard server unless they are 10000% sure it is a Bot/Hack/Third-Party WoW Accessing program.

Then the only information we may send to our servers is public information about your system (IE: IP Address) and other WoW related information ONLY (Account Name, Character, etc).

Correct me if I am wrong in some way please.

Highly doubt it'd be like:

DatagramPort.SendBytes(("CHARACTER IS " + Me.GetName() + " AND THE REALM IS " + Me.getRealm() + " AND THEY'RE USING " + Me.GetThereBot()).toByteArray())

But, yeah, I'm sure it's constantly sending information about your active shit to them. Too lazy to read their 3,000,000 page ToS to tell you.
ok cool if they can look at are ram, can they see any programs that are using the wow exe or file names if so is it best to rename HB manualy?
ok cool if they can look at are ram, can they see any programs that are using the wow exe or file names if so is it best to rename HB manualy?
Don't worry about renaming. That'll just mess up hb actually (sometimes)

HB has it's ways to not be detected.

@Automatic I'm 99% sure they can't send just anything back to themselves.
Otherwise that would be Datamining, which they are apparently against. (One of the many things they attempt to bring up in court against anyone they sue)
Which you already know this ... Damn you for not being an idiot :p
was it your main account or a farming account?
if i was you i would just move on m8 and make a new account and carry on you was prob just unlucky :-) chin up
Create a new account, but keep appealing the other one.

If you get it back, cool!

You now have 2.

You can sell 1, or bot both now :)
Don't worry about renaming. That'll just mess up hb actually (sometimes)

HB has it's ways to not be detected.

@Automatic I'm 99% sure they can't send just anything back to themselves.
Otherwise that would be Datamining, which they are apparently against. (One of the many things they attempt to bring up in court against anyone they sue)
Which you already know this ... Damn you for not being an idiot :p

Didn't know it too be honest, I don't follow blizzard AT ALL.

technically they banned me for Hacking No? i obveously wasnt hacking =o
You're still injecting into their game to produce a outcome which shouldn't normally be achieved (I believe like 99% of the lua commands honorbuddy uses are blocked in the game, never really tried making an addon for WOW though).
btw i sold one of my accounts only for blizz to contact me and tell me i have been hacked lol so i got it back lol and ?130 richer
btw i sold one of my accounts only for blizz to contact me and tell me i have been hacked lol so i got it back lol and ?130 richer
Don't ever post like that again.

We don't take kindly to Scammers here.

You didn't do it intentionally, but you should still give the damned account to whoever you sold it to.
You got your money, they still don't have their account.

Quit being a dick.
Don't ever post like that again.

We don't take kindly to Scammers here.

You didn't do it intentionally, but you should still give the damned account to whoever you sold it to.
You got your money, they still don't have their account.

Quit being a dick.

Plus one, it's not like it's even hard to get an account with a bot. Give him HIS account back and go get your own.
well i put in 2 appeals, they said if i continue to make them they wont reply. i guess ill be calling them in an hour. LOL and yeah it was my main account, and i dont have 100$ to put on another account =3