So I basically used Gatherbuddy for about 5 hours UP TILL 11PM eastern time, i didnt look at it, when i came back it was still running so i was like cool.
I decided not to run it over night because it would be suspicious so i went to sleep.
next morning i try to log in and it says my account was closed, i was mad, cus its my main account, since 2007.
So first thing i do is submit a ticket, i didnt even read my email to see why i got banned, so i jut said that i was buying a lot of undercuts on the AH and selling it for more, and that i didnt sell any gold for in game currency.
This is the funny part, i got back a reply saying that i was banned for using a cheat hack program, botting, teleporting through walls ect. so i was facepalm.
i was about ready to just say fuck it, whatever. but i submitted another ticket, explaining more kinda going into detail, then i 45 minutes later i get a reply and they basically said i was unbanned.
heres some pics
first ticket:
Second ticket:
And when i was looking through the forums i saw that the bans for cheat program were irreversible, well looks like theres still chances.
So I basically used Gatherbuddy for about 5 hours UP TILL 11PM eastern time, i didnt look at it, when i came back it was still running so i was like cool.
I decided not to run it over night because it would be suspicious so i went to sleep.
next morning i try to log in and it says my account was closed, i was mad, cus its my main account, since 2007.
So first thing i do is submit a ticket, i didnt even read my email to see why i got banned, so i jut said that i was buying a lot of undercuts on the AH and selling it for more, and that i didnt sell any gold for in game currency.
This is the funny part, i got back a reply saying that i was banned for using a cheat hack program, botting, teleporting through walls ect. so i was facepalm.
i was about ready to just say fuck it, whatever. but i submitted another ticket, explaining more kinda going into detail, then i 45 minutes later i get a reply and they basically said i was unbanned.
heres some pics
first ticket:
Second ticket:
And when i was looking through the forums i saw that the bans for cheat program were irreversible, well looks like theres still chances.