our decisions are not negotiable(unless you have a good reason and after a review in your case you dont)
and my suggestion is to chill out cause the next step is ip ban
You kidding me right? You got to be fucking kidding me. I am suppose to be all crying in a corner? Wua Wua Wua? Sorry thats not gonna happen. If you IP ban me, I don't get the product I paid for. Big deal. There is other bots out there. I will pay for another, but what would be the message? Because this is selective, if this was enforced rule why there is to trollers before this post not been ban? Theres is 2 other people posting here, just take a second to read. That means there is no enforced rule and this was just purely selective.
Whatever you got banned for I'm sure creating a new account to troll the forums even more is not good, right?
Your attitude in this thread makes me glad your banned tbh.
WTF you call this? isn't this flamming? Isn't this trolling?
Noob, I created an account to post 1+1 still = 2.
Learn to not troll the ban forum. Most of the time they don't care if your just joking around in other forums. But once you go over there and start to troll. Then GG QQ Banned!
Learn your lesson and stop being a bitch to people who lost hundred's of dollars/euro's/pounds.
This is what? WTF you call this?
Sorry but the bitch here is you. Got no argument, but to post you just posted whatever. Lost hundreds did you even read it? I guess not. This is a sample of what I am talking about. Fucking selective.
My case is very simple a 5 year old can understand it. He posted his name, the GMs name. I said that's what you fail. You didn't took your time to do things right. Sorry for your loss. Then a troll comes from nowhere and says don't lisent to the douchbags ... yada yada yada. I said that his statement was false, vague and too wide. I get ban.
If you sit and enforced this "trolling / flamming" rule this would be a fucking chaos. In this same threat you got 2 flamming / trolling WHY THEY ARE NOT GESPERRET? The truth hurts and people don't like the truth. But some one has to tell them.