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It seems you may be feeling indignant, brother. Haha anyways, :3 I would not be blaming kick's profile for the ban as there could be many factors for it. Were you watching your bot as it was being banned, etc? How long were you running on that account? Have you been using any other profiles in the previous month etc? Blizzard is known for sending ban waves as opposed to doing it right off the bat if its not a warden issue so it is possible that you were found botting (farming/bgs) weeks ago and were just being watched/had your name written down until now. If you were doing Kick's profile and were not watching it is possible that you got stuck in a loop where you ran into a wall, died by a mob or the like, and then came back to life through rez, and went and repeated that, for hours... and hours.. This would EASILY show you're a bot and is not entirely the fault of kicks as there is bound to be glitches/bugs to be worked out. This goes to show one should be monitoring their bots more closely or have precautions put in place to auto-terminate if _____ happens.
Anyways, with botting there is always a chance of you being banned, and if you bot for an extended period of time, unnaturally, only doing one type of profile (Grinding/Questing/BGs/Farming/ETC) then your chance of being caught is much higher as it raises flags.
I hope you don't have a bad taste in your mouth for kick's profiles or for honorbuddy as a whole, I am sorry for your loss and wish you happy botting if you get back on your feet soon.