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Banned - Combat bot


New Member
Sep 30, 2012
Suddenly banned tonight.
I've only been using Combat Buddy the past 2 weeks or so. Did some BGs for the first time today...only using Combat Buddy. Even talked in group chat and moved my toon around myself...just using the CC for combat.
I've NEVER gotten messages or threats of reports. I used Questbot to level 2 toons to 90 over the past 3 months. Watched the bot 95% of the time. Also power leveled through instances...sometimes using combat bot. Always looked and acted like a human...because I controlled the movement. Only let the bot 'button smash' the combat.

Reason: exchanging or contributing to the exchange of in-game items (gold) for "real-world" currency.

Seriously??? Ive never bought or sold gold with this account. Never had more than 10,000g between all my toons...

Used Kickazz and Cava's questing profiles.....and any grinding I did, I made my own personal profiles.
Couldn't have been any safer IMO.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
Questbot, Grind bot and Combat bot only.

2)If so, when was the last time?:
Using Combat Bot for past 2 weeks....using it when I got DC'd and banned

3)What profile were you using?:
no profile...combat Bot and farming instances (no one could see me to report me)

4)What combat class were you using?
FTW (For the Win) ...slightly modified

5)What plugins are you using?:
Always Here (anti-afk), Decline All, Tidybags (..used to use LogMeOut when questing)

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
2-8 hours over the past 2 weeks.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
200 per week.....(mailed to my bank alt and posted on AH twice a week)

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
AutoAngler to level my fishing (3-4 weeks ago)

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

10)EU or US realm?

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Actual paid account
Yes...just saw your post (you posted while i was writing mine)....

Exact same letter. I dont get it. Wtf Blizz???? I've got 10k gold or so, and all my mounts are farmed ( gotten through instance runs ).
How can they say I buy/sell gold?
Why aren't they investigating the guys who have the 100,000 gold mounts like the Yak or whatever?
The thing is you guys botted and banned. I see nothing wrong about it. never mind the ban mails. They can be random.
got banned for same thing but i did exchange 300k gold in an attempt to recive Real money but got scammed lol.

anyone know how to tell if your perma banned?
This christian guy must be new to bans or something. This is how bans work BUDDY. blizzard reviews the account. They send the correct reason why you were banned. I certainly didnt gold sell or buy yet thats what the message said. There is a ban for botting or 3rd party programs and a ban for buying and selling gold.... Therefore I was wrongly accused and therefore I will get unbanned and I will call them until they unban me. Fucking morons. If there going to ban me at least give me the correct reason why I was banned. lol. Stupid Fuckers.
Exactly the way I feel too nmekeel. At least accuse me of what I WAS doing. Botting.

I've been botting for years... Glider, Pirox, mmo-mimic...even Gnometools. I was banned once before using Mimic...and Blizz sent me an email saying "You were BOTTING". I appealed and lost. Hey, I knew the risks.

Its like stealing a car...and the cops arrest you for DUI...but you weren't drinking. Yes you stole the car...so you're guilty of something...but NOT what they accuse you of. You still feel 'wronged' in some way.

Depending on how things unfold...there's no sense debating it or QQ-ing over it until we know if the accounts are perma-banned or we get them back.
Two bans in 4-5 years...I'm not crying.
This christian guy must be new to bans or something. This is how bans work BUDDY. blizzard reviews the account. They send the correct reason why you were banned. I certainly didnt gold sell or buy yet thats what the message said. There is a ban for botting or 3rd party programs and a ban for buying and selling gold.... Therefore I was wrongly accused and therefore I will get unbanned and I will call them until they unban me. Fucking morons. If there going to ban me at least give me the correct reason why I was banned. lol. Stupid Fuckers.

First of all I'm not your buddy and I don't feel a need to tell you how long I have been in this section. But it looks like your the one who is new to this. Maybe you should start reading Blizzard ToS.They don't even need to give you the real reason.


Account Suspension/Deletion.
BLIZZARD MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, OR DELETE ANY BNET ACCOUNT OR WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON OR FOR NO REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE TO YOU. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of this Terms of Use or the EULA.
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abuse of economy - you have an excellent chance of getting this ban reversed. just fill out a ticket saying what the heck happened, did i get hacked or something , why am i banned.

the economy thing has nothing to do with actual gold selling, its just their standard email for bot related stuff.
Reading the ToS, you give blizzard the right to do what ever they want, monitor ur computer and store information about what u have on your computer and what u run on your computer. I realy wonder if this are not in violent with my contry law.
maybe so many people use kicks profile that they are picking up on it, maybe...
Has nothing to do with Combat Bot, you've most likely raised flags by transferring gold over accounts. I had one of those as well, sent an email to Blizzard and they unbanned me and apologized really quick.