I got banned yesterday after boting too much mines and herbs while being stupid. Lol
Got a perma ban and i wrote this to blizz;
I get Error #202 and it says my account have been closed and i got no email about why, so i just want to know why I cant login.''
This is blizz answer;
''Dathwech Customer Service Representative;
Hey *****,
We have now concluded our investigation, and your account has been unlocked.
We have also placed a Final Warning on your account, and issued you a 72 hour (3 day) suspension.
After the suspension has been served, you will be able to access the World of Warcraft servers once again.
Battle.net Account Name: *****
World of Warcraft Account Name: WOW1
Type of Violation: Use of third-party programs
Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 72 hours (3 days) and Final Warning placed on account
While we regret to take this type of action, we have determined it to be in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game.
Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences to your account. As your account has now been issued a Final Warning, any further behaviour of this nature will lead to account termination.
Also note, you must log into the game after the suspension expired; this will update the status of your account displayed on the Account Management page.
If you wish to review our current Rules and Policies, they can be found at:
Blizzard Entertainment: Battle.net Terms of Use ''
I almost rolled out of my chair when reading it! this is the full ''convo'' we had and turned out good!
After 2 days with only farming and posting on AH in a row this is what happened!
Lucky me i guess! =D
I got banned yesterday after boting too much mines and herbs while being stupid. Lol
Got a perma ban and i wrote this to blizz;
I get Error #202 and it says my account have been closed and i got no email about why, so i just want to know why I cant login.''
This is blizz answer;
''Dathwech Customer Service Representative;
Hey *****,
We have now concluded our investigation, and your account has been unlocked.
We have also placed a Final Warning on your account, and issued you a 72 hour (3 day) suspension.
After the suspension has been served, you will be able to access the World of Warcraft servers once again.
Battle.net Account Name: *****
World of Warcraft Account Name: WOW1
Type of Violation: Use of third-party programs
Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 72 hours (3 days) and Final Warning placed on account
While we regret to take this type of action, we have determined it to be in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game.
Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences to your account. As your account has now been issued a Final Warning, any further behaviour of this nature will lead to account termination.
Also note, you must log into the game after the suspension expired; this will update the status of your account displayed on the Account Management page.
If you wish to review our current Rules and Policies, they can be found at:
Blizzard Entertainment: Battle.net Terms of Use ''
I almost rolled out of my chair when reading it! this is the full ''convo'' we had and turned out good!
After 2 days with only farming and posting on AH in a row this is what happened!
Lucky me i guess! =D