So for the past year or so I have been botting mainly for gold. Using private profiles and trying to find the sneakiest way to launder out my gold without getting banned.
I have had quite a few accounts get banned in the past, and recently had 2 more banned that I had a couple toons that I really wish had not been banned.
I normally bot 24 hours a day, which I know is a huge mistake. I have made it anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to 2 months without getting banned. But when I did get popped, I have lost hundreds of thousands of gold. It's pretty disappointing, but that goes back to the statement you always see on this site. "If you care about the account, don't bot on it".
Recently I found a different way to bot with HB though. Like I said I normally did it for gold. I recently started gearing my characters and using Tyreal / Oracle / Special routines to raid LFR with, and it has been the most fun I have ever had with botting.
As far as gold farming, its probably safer and more cost efficient for me to just buy gold here and there instead of buying 70$ worth of accounts each month, spending a week or two to gear them up and what not.
Anyway, I have decided to ONLY bot during LFR, which I will monitor the whole time. I know that it's not 100% ban proof, but i believe its as close as you can get.
For me, the farming with GB2 is WAY to risky, no matter which way you slice it. The second you look away someone can report you, then your done.
I have had quite a few accounts get banned in the past, and recently had 2 more banned that I had a couple toons that I really wish had not been banned.
I normally bot 24 hours a day, which I know is a huge mistake. I have made it anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to 2 months without getting banned. But when I did get popped, I have lost hundreds of thousands of gold. It's pretty disappointing, but that goes back to the statement you always see on this site. "If you care about the account, don't bot on it".
Recently I found a different way to bot with HB though. Like I said I normally did it for gold. I recently started gearing my characters and using Tyreal / Oracle / Special routines to raid LFR with, and it has been the most fun I have ever had with botting.
As far as gold farming, its probably safer and more cost efficient for me to just buy gold here and there instead of buying 70$ worth of accounts each month, spending a week or two to gear them up and what not.
Anyway, I have decided to ONLY bot during LFR, which I will monitor the whole time. I know that it's not 100% ban proof, but i believe its as close as you can get.
For me, the farming with GB2 is WAY to risky, no matter which way you slice it. The second you look away someone can report you, then your done.