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Banned after only having the bot a week lost 11 level 90s that were leveled legit


New Member
Apr 9, 2013
Hi i just wanted to annouce that I was banned today after only having the bot a week. I only ran the bot about the same as I normally played which is sometimes eight hours straight, today however I ran it a bit longer than normal. I was in a BG turned the bot off as I wanted to play myself, then the next thing I know my account is disconnected, and when i try to log back in it says I am banned. No warning, no email with explaination, nothing in the battlenet account area either. 10 level 90's most full Malv gear, 1 level 87 left to have one 90 of every class on horde and 11 85's and above on my alliance server that were all leveled legitimately, all..gone. ... sux
It can only take 1 BG for everyone to report you, I know before coming in here that you were using BGBuddy as sadly that's a fast way to get banned by player report.
It can only take 1 BG for everyone to report you, I know before coming in here that you were using BGBuddy as sadly that's a fast way to get banned by player report.
I know this is off topic but , im new here and im wondering how safe is questing with Kicks profiles ?
Banned using just a few days

It can only take 1 BG for everyone to report you, I know before coming in here that you were using BGBuddy as sadly that's a fast way to get banned by player report.

Sad part was I was actually playing the toon myself when I got shut down and banned. I also just got my warlock the tier 6 helm today from battle of mount hyjal after trying multiple time to solo it. Did it today legit, after a few hours trying, got my helm, ran a BG botting, stopped in middle of BG, was playing then,, Bamm off line and Banned.
Fckn Blows. I may appeal, Probably not. Been playing this Game since 2004? it was my alternative To DAOC when Daoc population died,, Game has taken over my life. So probably for the best. Fck Blizz they can shove the game up thier rears. I have paid for two accounts for all these years, paid transfers, paid ingame mounts, paid race and gender changes, ect ect. They wont get another penny out of me. Guess they arent a business that cares about making money. No matter, I took a chance cuz I was burnt out anyhow, so screw em.
I was using Kicks to level my mage today, I am now banned. Not sure if it was from Kick or the BGs. I would guess both.
I was using Kicks to level my mage today, I am now banned. Not sure if it was from Kick or the BGs. I would guess both.
Well how much time did you use the bot today ? i know a couple of people that use it for questing for strictly only 4 hours per day and didn't get a signle ban , i think it was probably the BG as it is currently next to gathering , the one where the banhammer is being dropped the most .
Reply to Koskeftw

Well how much time did you use the bot today ? i know a couple of people that use it for questing for strictly only 4 hours per day and didn't get a signle ban , i think it was probably the BG as it is currently next to gathering , the one where the banhammer is being dropped the most .

I used it for leveling for about 6 hours, no issues there. Then I did my solo run without the bot to do battle for hyjal to get the drops i was looking for.... after that I ran my bot for about 2 hours in BG bot while watching a movie. Movie ended, I got on , stopped bot in the battle ground, played in that BG for about 5 minutes myself without using bot,, then whammo disconnected and banned.
Here is the deal ... part of the unspoken rule is to "never bot your main account" that said, and in the off chance you do, we come to the second rule of "never bot something you aren't afraid of being banned". The hammer is always coming, be that today, tomorrow, a week from now, hours, minutes, etc ... it is coming; The end is nigh; We start over, we rebuild, we grow stronger in our resolve, fists raised high, jaded and vindictive.

Appeal. Make up a sob story. In some cases, you can even "admit to it" or claim to use a macro keyboard which you weren't aware was considered automation; mention it nonchalantly as if you are unaware it is a problem till it is pointed out, act surprised, pinch the hell out of your self while on the phone so the wince in your voice is legitimate. If it is a main account and has that many characters on it, Blizzard is more likely to "pardon ignorance" of a well paying, committed long term player than some random SoR/SE account.

There you go, cupcake, enjoy.

If it makes you feel any better I lost four last night; I just got two more, and I'll have another two this weekend. Rev up them engines, it is time to go hard.
Yea Appealed and looks like they upheld their decision. Not getting account back. Mellome I appreciate the post bro, I would regroup and start over, but i just dont have it in me bro. Too many hours playing to start over again. Fck that. Im done, for good. Ill go try SWTOR see how that goes, if all else fails I can go back to my original DAOC no game better than daoc for pvp for its time. lol Anyhow, this is my last post. I knew the risks, they caught me, now my account is gone. So be it. Back to the gym and real life :) Its all good. Ill try botting on SWTOR next,, lol Latter all and good luck. If you read this post I would highly discourage using your main account like I did,,, was a noob and idiot move. God Bless all. TC
Sad part was I was actually playing the toon myself when I got shut down and banned. I also just got my warlock the tier 6 helm today from battle of mount hyjal after trying multiple time to solo it. Did it today legit, after a few hours trying, got my helm, ran a BG botting, stopped in middle of BG, was playing then,, Bamm off line and Banned.

The time you lost connection doesn't necessarily correlate to the activity that got you banned. They could have been investigating a past report, reviewing logs, whatever from earlier and hit the ban button while you were at keyboard.
SWTOR botting is dead, for a very long time. Try appealing again, you have nothing to loose. It only takes 1 friendlier GM to take it back.