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Banned after 2 days at 90


New Member
Mar 9, 2013
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Kicks questing profiles to 90 and Gatherbuddy after

2)If so, when was the last time?: Last night

3)What profile were you using?: Private profile that I made for Valley of the Four Winds

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular feral druid

5)What plugins are you using?: AutoEquip, Blacklister, Teleport Detector

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 8-10 while questing, 8-10 gathering with breaks and manually run heroics/bgs in between

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 80-90%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 50-60, a few stacks of herbs and a couple shoulder enchants here and there

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? Not yet

10)EU or US realm? US

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid account

I leveled up on my IP and geared up for a couple days after hitting level 90. Then I waited a day, logged on using a virtual machine and virtual private server (my own, so it is a clean IP). I gathered for two days, 8-10 hours a day, and got disconnected last while farming. The ban was for "unapproved third party software". I waited until earlier today and put in an appeal saying that my account had been hacked. The first appeal was denied and I'm waiting for the reply to then second appeal.

I've been trying to bot smarter (I had 4 accounts running at the start of MOP, 20/7, and they lasted me 3 months), but the bans seem to be coming faster and faster each time. I'm starting to think my IP has probably been flagged, but I have no way of knowing for sure.

Also, I have another account leveled with the vbanned one using RAF. I used the same steps, same virtual machine and vps, yet this one in untouched so far. I'm running this one 24/7 now and putting all the gold in my Gbank. I figure this one will be going down before long, so I'm going to get the most out of it.
usually they do delay the ban (some guy had 5 accounts or so and they banned him day after day), try and sell the gold you got fast
The gbank I put my gold in has 1 active battlechest account in it that I use to sell the gold, and 2 inactive accounts that are there for backup. I should be safe to go until this one gets banned, unless they delete the gbank or something like that. I haven't had a problem with that so far though.
Well, my other account just went down. The reason they gave for this one is "abuse of game mechanics". This is the first time I've ever had this type of ban. I was gathering herbs and vendoring the shoulder enchants. My bank accounts are now "temporarily disabled" and I don't have any emails for those, so we'll see what happens with that. Something is up with Blizzard now. Even with clean IPs and safe botting, I am getting banned MUCH faster than anytime before, with any bot. At this rate it seems the only way to make any kind of profit will be to run the bot nonstop to 90, and gather as much as possible before a ban. When MOP came out I was making $1500-2500 a month. Now I'm lucky if I can make $300
Theyre really stepping up their game, no doubt, but theres a lot of information you push to their servers that can pretty reliably point to a bot (without actually detecting HB). Once you get flagged its up to a GM to determine whether or not it was some lonely unemployed guy or indeed a bot.
I'm a lonely unemployed guy :(I've always played 12-14 hours a day and I'm botting just the same, still actively talking in Gchat and manually playing. I've always heard that once you're banned for botting your info is flagged onto a watch list though.
Just a quick update on this. ALL of my accounts have been banned. 4 gathering accounts, my banker account, AND my backup banker account (which has never touched my home IP, and has been offline for 2 months). Also, my friend's account was permanently banned and all appeals were denied. He has never botted, bought or sold gold, exploited, etc. He also never logged his account on with my IP. He had an alt sitting in my gatherer's bank, as he had signed the guild charter for me. Perma ban for simply being in a bot guild. I don't know what is going on with Blizzard, but either I am EXTREMELY unlucky, or they have really stepped up their game.
Ive been botting pretty solid for a while now, and so far no bans. MOP is the new uldum now. Entire fucking place. I think gm's sit near nods and wait for someone to land.
Just a quick update on this. ALL of my accounts have been banned. 4 gathering accounts, my banker account, AND my backup banker account (which has never touched my home IP, and has been offline for 2 months). Also, my friend's account was permanently banned and all appeals were denied. He has never botted, bought or sold gold, exploited, etc. He also never logged his account on with my IP. He had an alt sitting in my gatherer's bank, as he had signed the guild charter for me. Perma ban for simply being in a bot guild. I don't know what is going on with Blizzard, but either I am EXTREMELY unlucky, or they have really stepped up their game.

maybe they thought you were chinese?
Also, my friend's account was permanently banned and all appeals were denied. He has never botted, bought or sold gold, exploited, etc. He also never logged his account on with my IP. He had an alt sitting in my gatherer's bank, as he had signed the guild charter for me. Perma ban for simply being in a bot guild.

That makes me want to go and haul out my alt sitting in my botter's guild.